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Hello everyone and welcome to another rewriting of one of my fanfictions on my main account known as Hearts and Heroes Umbrella Academy: Tales of The Outlaws. 

Originally this AU was created by my friend _WinryRose_ who is a genius by the way so go and follow her since she's awesome :3 

I simply created this fanfiction with my brilliant mind and with that mind of mine, I also made a few changes to this version of my fanfiction on my main account.

So without further ado, allow me to introduce you to the Outlaws!

The Fire Lord: Leader of the Outlaws and has the powers of fire. An Ultra Gay Lesbian, she seeks to find the perfect woman of her dreams that has the cake ;) She leads those she calls her family on fun activities such as robberies, heists, arson, explosions, and homicide. However, she has a deep grudge against the Umbrella Academy due to a past event that haunts her to this day...

Cyborg: A humanoid robot that was created as a result of a series of experiments by his own father, after a tragic car accident that killed his mother and left him nearly dead. These experiments were horrid as he was also abused by his father and tortured. Most of his limbs have been replaced with robotic limbs, along with his right eye replaced with a red robotic eye that can scan, see through walls, and pull up maps. His other limbs contain useful weapons, but his favorite his laser blade on in his right arm that can cut through anything...

Buttercup: (Formerly the Invisible One in the old version, but trust me she's better because she's a WHOLE SNACC-) A trans female stripper with the gift to seduce any man that she targets on the fun activities she does with her family of Outlaws. She loves spending with her childhood friend known as The Bard in dancing together as they sing. Her favorite thing to do in her free time to DANCE ON EVERY POLE SHE SEES- She may have no regrets, but a past memory involving the death of her closest friend makes her feel guilty about everything, even not being able to prevent what happened... 

Madam Butterfly: (Formerly Katerinia in the old version, but this time is a lot more delicate as her personality)  A quiet, soft girl with the ability to communicate with the butterflies and become one herself, she is the fragile one in the group of Outlaws, but do not underestimate her. She is close with her family of Outlaws and loves to take care and spend time in her personal garden that is home to her butterfly friends. Since she is fragile and delicate as the butterflies, her time is sadly limited...  

The Bard: A non-binary bard with the power to put everyone under their spell with their beautiful singing. They are the childhood best friend of Buttercup, and bring their Outlaw family together when they sing and dance, with the exception of Robin Hood playing his guitar. They are also protective of their pendant, which is believed that if it is destroyed, then The Bard will lose more than just their voice...

Robin Hood: Granted the ability to charm any woman or man with his flirting skills, Robin Hood is a reliable asset to the Outlaws, even though sometimes he's an idiot- As the legend goes, Robin Hood uses his archery skills in combat and steals from the rich to give to the poor. He loves his guitar and his life as an Outlaw, but hopes that something or someone can make things more interesting...

Karate Kid: (I know- I added Kid in front of Karate this time don't sue me-) Black belt in karate, Karate Kid earned his nickname with his power of super strength, and his devastating punches and blows to enemies in combat. He is a happy boi most of the time, but if he splits the ground in half, you know that's when shit is about to go down- He loves to demonstrate his strength and fighting skills, but he also wants to be the very best, like no karate master ever was... (NOT A POKEMON REFERENCE I SWEAR-) 

The Magician: A young magician girl that can preform all kinds of illusions and magic tricks perfectly to amaze an audience. She is close with the Fire Lord since she also her childhood best friend, and gives her advice when the Fire Lord has a personal problem that she can talk to her about. Although her close relationship with the Fire Lord allows to be an Outlaw, she wishes that peace can settle between and the Outlaws and their Umbrella Academy rivals... 

The Colossal Titan:  Due to his giant size, the Colossal Titan sleeps underground undisturbed, only waking up when needed by his tiny Outlaw family. Since he is mute, the giant uses sign language and occasional looks, and sometimes lets the other Outlaws climb on him like a huge teddy bear when awake. Unless it's an emergency, the Colossal Titan will be pissed if he is disturbed from his sleep by those who stumble upon him by digging down...

Hopefully you guys enjoy this rewritten version, which will be promising in providing the greatest moments and fluffy romance later on the story :)

And now onto the Prologue! 

Hearts and Heroes Umbrella Academy: Tales Of The Outlaws Rewritten VersionWhere stories live. Discover now