Chapter 2: Tiny Outlaw

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Hey guys! Before we begin, be sure to check out my oneshot book known as The New Earth Oneshots and put down some requests since I desperately need them at the moment. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!

Warning: The following chapter has mentions of death and murder in the later parts of this. Proceed with caution.

And now onto the chapter.

The sound of soft cooing came from the tiny baby boy being held by Robin Hood, while he was being chewed out by the Fire Lord for bringing him to the Hideout. The little one looked around at the other Outlaws watching either him, or poor Robin Hood getting a lecture.

"You can't just bring in a child without calling us about finding him first. Not only do we have enough problems to deal with such as the stupid Asshats, but now the public is going to think we kidnapped a newborn. Unless your'e this kid's father, we can't keep him here." The Fire Lord said as her arms were crossed. "What was I supposed to do? Let the little guy be all alone out there? It's obvious that whoever left him wasn't going to come back for him. Besides, we're completely outnumbered since there's the Asshats and the police. We need all the help we can get to take them out." Robin Hood argued as he was holding the baby, but not quite properly as all babies should be held. (Caedia's gonna be mad-) 

"There's no way this kid has powers like the rest of us." The Fire Lord said as her cold green eyes gazed at the child. "I'm sure he'll still be useful as an Outlaw, even if he doesn't have any powers." Robin Hood replied as he rubbed the baby's cheek softly. The baby giggled at the affection before his tiny fingers began to poke out of his blue blanket.

"I'm just going to step in here," The Bard spoke up as the other Outlaws looked at them in surprise, "But I can definitely sense a strong force within the child." Everyone glanced at the baby before back at the Bard, unsure if the Bard was serious. "Wait a moment," The Fire Lord said as she looked at the Bard, "Your'e telling me the kid has powers?" "Of course." The Bard replied as they approached Robin Hood holding the child, "And I'm set on finding out what it is."

The child cooed softly as the Bard gently took him from Robin Hood and held him as they examined him carefully. The other Outlaws watched the Bard as the baby cooed in curiosity of what was happening to him. "So... Have you found anything yet?" Madame Butterfly asked in an attempt to break the awkward silence. "Nothing so far." The Bard replied as they booped the baby's nose, causing him to giggle as his arms became free from his blanket. "The kid may not have anything special." The Fire Lord said, still a bit skeptical about the Bard inspecting the little one. "Keep saying that, and the kid might actually have powers." Karate Kid said jokingly.

The child cooed softly as he noticed the Bard's pendant, while his tiny arms reached towards it. "Well good news is that the little one appears to be healthy." The Bard said with a smile. "Still, there's nothing out of the ordinary?" The Fire Lord asked. "Be patient Cleo."  The Bard replied, silencing the Fire Lord with her real name being uttered. It was then that the baby giggled as he grabbed the Bard's pendant.

"Now now little one," The Bard said as they tried to remove the child's hands off their pendant, "Let's not touch that-" The pendant suddenly glowed without warning as the Bard let out a gasp. The Outlaws eyes widened as the pendant took control, with the Bard's eyes glowing the same blue and white color as the pendant. "What's happening?!" Buttercup cried out as a wind swirled around both the Bard and the child. The little one became frightened and started to cry before Robin Hood quickly grabbed him away from the Bard. At that moment, the pendant  sparked before a beam of light shot upwards towards the sky. It was the late evening, so the city civilians were stunned to see what looked like a signal for aliens to see.

Hearts and Heroes Umbrella Academy: Tales Of The Outlaws Rewritten VersionWhere stories live. Discover now