Chapter 3: Memories by the Grave

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Warning: The following chapter contains mentions of death, murder, trans-phobia, and depression. I advise you grab some tissues just in case-

And now onto the chapter.

The crisp, chilly morning the next day was present as Buttercup was walking to the cemetery with a bouquet of flowers in hand. She was not in her usual Outlaw attire of hot pink lingerie and heels, but was instead in a pink blouse and yellow skirt with her dirty blonde hair not in it's usual low ponytail Buttercup would have it. She was still wearing her heels though, since she loved wearing them with any of her outfits. Buttercup sighed to herself as she passed through the cemetery gates, before waling down the pathway to a certain grave she was visiting. 

As she got close, Buttercup hesitated for a moment, unsure if she wanted to do this. "C'mon Yael, she was your best friend. You're doing this because you made a promise." Buttercup thought to herself. Buttercup took a deep breath before she made her way over to the grave she was visiting.

"Allison Cassandra Drevis.

Mother, friend, and loved by all.

May you forever rest in peace above the clouds."

"Hey there Alli," Buttercup spoke softly as she put the bouquet of flowers in front of the grave, "I brought you some carnations.... You always really liked them when you were here...." A few sobs were held back along with the tears that were forming in her eyes. "Things have changed since that night.... That night when you died saving me from my cousin.... who tried to kill me... I still don't know why you did... why you took the bullet meant for me..." Buttercup spoke as her voice cracked a little, while the painful memory of what happened played from the beginning in her mind that occurred almost 2 years ago...


Yael hummed as she finished up her shift at the strip club she worked at, packing her stuff before she grabbed her bag and left the room. "Are you leaving Yael?" Allison asked as she was changing into her regular outfit out of her stripper attire. "Yeah, do you need me to lock up for the night?" Yael replied as she picked up her key off of the dressing room table. "I got it. You head on home." Allison said as she finished getting dressed. "Ok then. See you tomorrow Allison!" Yael called out before she left the building through the side door leading to the alleyway she used to get home to her small apartment. Unbeknownst to the 17 year old at the time, a pair of eyes full with hate watched her as the man approached her from behind.

The trans-female didn't notice as she was thinking to herself about how close she had in the money she was making in her job to attend her dream university in California. Yael was among the 43 children born on the same day, and had lived in Canada with her parents that kept her until she was 16. At the age of 10, Yelvis, her male born self, transitioned into female and became Yael. While her parents accepted her with open arms, some of her relatives shunned her, disowned her, and called her by her dead name, not wanting to accept Yael as a trans family member. At the age of 16, Yael moved from Canada to the United States, as her parents had given her the small apartment she would no longer live in after this night. Yael had worked at least 3 jobs to start up in saving money for her tuition and move to California, where LGBTQ+ people could freely be themselves.

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