Chapter 5: Life is a Highway (When you commit a Bank Robbery-)

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Warning: The following chapter contains memes, explosion scenes directed by Micheal Bay, a high speed police car chase, some ultra gay interaction, and the introduction of the newest member of the Outlaws. Proceed with caution because this is going to be one extra spicy meatball-

And now onto the chapter.

As the month went by, the public began to notice the lack of crime being committed. This led to some speculation that the Outlaws had taken a vacation, others hoping that the group had given up being villains for good. But there was still doubt in the air, after the event of the giant energy wave caused by the Bard's pendant and singing. The famous Umbrella Academy members also took notice of the sudden absence, and so their adopted father made sure that his children trained to be prepared for a possible surprise attack from the Outlaws. While the public felt a sense of peace for now, the Outlaws themselves were busy planning their next biggest crime yet: A bank robbery that would be remembered for a lifetime. 

"Alright Outlaws today we go big or we go home. And this bank robbery we've got planned will determine that factor. Cyborg, analysis and basic summary if you please." The Fire Lord said as she and the other Outlaws were all gathered and present in the meeting room of the Hideout. Cyborg's red eye glowed as a holographic image of the city's national bank located in the downtown square. "The bank we are robbing today has quite an advanced security system, but is very easy for us to deactivate. Deactivating the security system will give the rest of you the advantage to take care of the security guards and take what we call the 'moola'. (Code name for money-) As for the bystanders, we'll give them the choice to flee, or remain trapped in the building after we're done and the Fire Lord blows it up with her fire. Any questions before we roll out?" Cyborg said in his robotic voice, which he used to explain things and to make him sound like Optimus Prime.

"Do we have a back-up plan in case the police or the Umbrella Academy show up?" Madame Butterfly asked as she was normal self without her 4 extra arms and large blue and black colored butterfly wings. "We do of course," Cyborg replied, "We can detour the police and the Asshats by a bomb we built and placed it underground of King Liam's business tower a few blocks away. If needed, then the bomb will go off and destroy the building along with everyone in it. It's a perfect distraction." "I do wish it didn't have to end up with anyone getting hurt..." Madame Butterfly muttered, as she was quite a pacifist, but still joined her friends in their crime committing activities. 

"Hopefully it doesn't need to come to this, as long as we can quickly take the bank's money and get out. I'm certain the bomb won't be needed at all." The Magician said in an attempt to reassure Madame Butterfly. "Plus it's the Cowboy's first time committing a crime like an Outlaw," Robin Hood said as he held his son as he sucked his thumb while cooing softly, "Meaning we gotta be extra careful." "He'll be fine Jake," Karate Kid said as he booped the Cowboy's nose gently, causing him to giggle, "Uncle Hercules is gonna make sure nothing happens to him. Isn't that right little guy?" Karate Kid gently took the Cowboy from his father's arms and gently tossed him into the air before catching him as he cooed happily.

"Now, this is how we'll carry out with the robbery." Cyborg said as everyone's attention turned to the holographic image which became the blueprints of the bank listing every vault location and the other features such as emergency exits and the alarms to alert the authorities. "Each one of you has a certain part to play that we will break down starting with Cleo." Cyborg said before he got started.

Hearts and Heroes Umbrella Academy: Tales Of The Outlaws Rewritten VersionWhere stories live. Discover now