Prologue: Hunger for Vengeance

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Warning: The following prologue contains mentions of murder/death along with some depressing factors. If you are sensitive to these kinds of topics, then I don't recommend you read this prologue. If you insist on reading, then proceed with caution.   

And now onto the prologue.

They were supposed to protect us.

"Mama? Are you ok? I heard you screaming-" The voice of a little child spoke before she made a horrible discovery in the middle of the night.

They were supposed to save her.

"Mama?! Mama! Wake up! Please..." The little girl cried out to her mother, who was laying on the floor in a large pool of her own blood. A large cut from her chest to her abdomen was enough evidence that she had been brutalized before she was found by her daughter.

They were supposed to come.

When the little girl put the pieces together about what happened, tears welled up in her eyes before she began to cry. "Mama..."

"Who did this to you?"

But they never came.

The little girl carefully reached out and unraveled her mother's clenched hand, revealing a golden locket with a flame charm that her mother had planned to give her as her birthday present the next day on April 16th. The little girl tenderly put on the locket around her neck, the last memory that reminded her of her mother's last moments.

But I will find who did this to Mother.

The little girl's hands clenched into fists as her emotions of shock and grief began to turn into smoke. "Mama..." Her voice cracked as the flames began to emerge. The little girl's breathing became rapid as her green eyes flowing with tears glowed with rage.


The little girl screamed as everything around her was engulfed in an explosion of burning colors of red and orange. Her once safe place that she and her mother called home was now being consumed by her power of fire.

"I will find them Mama. And the Umbrella Academy will come and help you." The little girl said as she dragged her mother's body out of the burning house. She dragged and placed her in front of a lone willow tree on top of the hill nearby, where it had been their favorite place to have picnics, but now, no picnics would be held after the night.

"Wait here Mama, I'll get the Umbrella Academy. Don't worry, I'll be back with them when you wake up. And then we can celebrate my birthday tomorrow." The little girl said, to young to understand Death itself and not knowing that her mother would never wake up.

The 6 year old child went off into the night to the city in hopes to find help from the Umbrella Academy for her mother. But she would find no one available to help her mother, coming to the horrible realization that she was gone forever.

I will make sure the Umbrella Academy gets what they deserve for never coming when I needed them.

 The child huddled against a dark corner in an alleyway and cried, since her mother was gone and her killer still on the loose. What if she or more parents were next?  Since she had burned down her home due to her emotions and fire powers, she had no place to go.

Why did Mother have to die?

A spark lit up in the night sky, catching the little girl's attention as she sniffled. The spark came from a star shining very brightly than the other stars, giving the child a bit of comfort as she gazed at it. It seemed to beckon her to follow it, as she got up and wandered to where the star was shining above.

Why did it have to be this way?

The little girl followed the star to an area outside the city, which was a forest clearing with a large tree house on a strong oak tree in the middle. The star hovered over the tree house as the little girl's eyes widened in awe. This place that the star led the little girl to would not only become her new home, but home to a group of others like her that also had powers. And that little girl would become the leader of the group named the Outlaws known as:

The Fire Lord

I will avenge you Mother. And the Outlaws will be stronger than the Umbrella Academy. 

And we will take them out.

Hearts and Heroes Umbrella Academy: Tales Of The Outlaws Rewritten VersionWhere stories live. Discover now