Chapter 1: Smooth Criminal

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Warning: The following chapter contains spicy memes. And outlaws doing outlaw shenanigans. You've been warned.

And now onto the chapter!

"This is Lucille O' Conner with a live look at the downtown Museum, which is tight with extreme security at the moment. The threat that the group known as the Outlaws has been sending the city into quite a panic, especially due to the descriptions from witnesses that describe them having powers as the hero group known as the Umbrella Academy. The Outlaws have a list of crimes ranging from heists to homicide of politicians such as Leah McGowan, who was found dead in her home last month. This list can be viewed on our website to get an idea of how dangerous this group of individuals are." The TV screen played as the said Outlaws watched from their tree-house known as the Hideout. 

"You know, I'm surprised that the Head of Security didn't hire the Asshats to help out in preventing our heist." The voice of a trans-female stripper with the ability of seduction known as Buttercup spoke. "Which lucky for us, won't get us in the way of obtaining Queen Marie's necklace. It's even better since they're used to us coming at night, but not on this night, but on this fine afternoon." The Fire Lord said with a malicious giggle as the other present Outlaws nodded in agreement. "Why didn't the head of security get the Umbrella Academy involved anyway to stop us?" The Magician asked as she petted her pet rabbit Snowball before the news reporter on the TV began to interview the Head of Security named Mr. Davenport. 

"Mr. Davenport, why are you not having the Umbrella Academy here protecting the Museum?" Lucille O' Conner asked the Head of Security, as he was also surrounded by other press media and news reporters attacking him with questions all at once. "This Museum is already secure with all of the resources we have from police, to SWAT, and FBI. And my security team will do everything in their power to prevent this band of "Outlaws", from pulling off their rumored planned heist tonight from this secure place." Mr. Davenport replied, causing the Outlaws to burst out laughing.

"Secure place huh?" Karate Kid asked as he smirked. "What an idiot!" The Fire Lord exclaimed with a hysterical giggle. "It won't be for long." Cyborg said as his red eye glowed before a holographic image appeared, revealing a map of the Museum and a green dot approaching it. A button on Cyborg's right arm flashed before he pressed it, as another screen appeared showing the transmission from the Outlaw member arriving known as Robin Hood.

"Ok peeps, I've arrived at our designated gold mine." Robin Hood said as he pulled up at the Museum entrance in his green Lamborghini he named "Rosie". "Good. Remember, get in, get the necklace, get out." The Fire Lord said. "Let us disable the security system before you go in." Cyborg said as he pressed a few buttons on his left arm. At the same time, the security system seized before it was disabled, along with the vault door containing Queen Marie's necklace opening up. The Outlaws could now see the press and media reporters shocked as Mr. Davenport became quite stunned at the sudden security shutdown. "What's happening?" A news reporter asked as everyone else was still in shock or starting to panic.

"Guess it's time to introduce myself." Robin Hood said as he got out of the his car and strolled up causally to the entrance of the Museum. Robin Hood whistled as he grabbed the door handles of both big doors before swinging them upon. The Outlaws watched the TV while eating a bag of popcorn as the cameras focused on Robin Hood, who had a smirk on his face as he entered. "Sup ladies and gents, y'all are looking fine today!~" Robin Hood said as he proceeded to snatch some displayed gems. The press and media reporters, along with Mr. Davenport couldn't move a muscle as they watched Robin Hood take more priceless items before approaching the vault containing Queen Marie's necklace.

Hearts and Heroes Umbrella Academy: Tales Of The Outlaws Rewritten VersionWhere stories live. Discover now