It all started with a question. . .

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A/N: Good Luck!. . .(You're gonna need it ;v; )

~How it all started~

In the middle of nowhere (the Anti-void-), was a glitchy skeleton, laying down to what appeared to be a...Beanbag? Anyways, they were laying down on the beanbag with there eyes (socket-) close. They were having a nice relaxing nap, until they felt someone. . .Poke.There.Cheek. The skeleton got startled and quickly stood up to find out that. . .no one was there? They were confused at first, but then they heard the most terrifying voice they could have ever heard in there nightmares. 

"Sup mah bruh!" It can't be.

The glitchy skeleton slowly turned around to come face-to-face with his grates nightmare, FRESH. The glitchy skeleton made an ear perusing glitched screech, they teleported 20 feet away from the 80's nightmare as there vision became pixelated and glitched. It took a moment for the skeleton to clear out there vision, but they managed to clear it out, not fully though.

"W-What do you w-want n-n-now?!?" They said, clearly annoyed. The skeleton would blink once in a while and squint there eyes, trying to take a better look at him.  

"Woooah, ya need ta' chill out my bro-self! I just wanted ta' say 'Hi'~" The glitchy skeleton didn't trust the tone on his voice- They didn't even trusted Fresh either! They tried to take a better look at him, but the only thing they could manage to see was just a colorful point that was far away from where he was, the skeleton blinked and just as they did the colorful spot disappeared and this scared the skeleton. 'WHERE IS HE?!' As soon as he thought that, the 80's nightmare's face appeared right in front of them.

"Hi Error-bruh~" Fresh had a stupid grin spread on his face while the glitchy skeleton, known as 'Error' flinched and lots of 'error' were appearing on there eye sockets and all over there body. Then, they suddenly stopped moving and a space bar appeared in front of there face, starting at 0%.

Fresh started to laugh his non-existent butt off while Error slowly, but quickly re-booted.

10% . .

27% . . .

42% . . . .

69% . . . . .

85% . . . . .  .

99% . . . . . . . .

100% . . . . . . . . .

The glitchy skeleton slowly stopped glitching and felt a slight headache, making them hold there skull with there right hand and rub it slightly. They were confused at first until they heard the annoying non-stop laughter of FRESH. They got angry and uses there blue strings, wrapping them all around Fresh's body and pulling him 5 feet above the cold, white ground. Fresh stops laughing and slightly looks down at Error with a nervously stupid smile on him. The glitchy skeleton slowly walks towards the 80's nightmare, but then stops, leaving a huge gap between them both, because they wanted to keep a safe distance away from him.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyy Error, buddy-old-pal-" Fresh got interrupted by Error's strings tightened up around him, making him flinch for a bit.

"What do you want, for real." The glitchy skeleton said with slight annoyance in there voice.

"Fine, ya got meh bruh, I my radical self came here ta' make ya a question ma' dude!"

The glitchy skeleton got confused at this, 'he wanted to ask me something..?' they thought a bit surprised, this was kind of new for him to act so. . .no. This was suspicious, what could he possibly want to ask them? The glitchy skeleton sighed annoyed, lowering Fresh back to the ground with his blue strings and releasing him from there grip.

". . . .W-What do you w-want?"

"Weeeeeeeeeeelll~ I just wanted ta' ask if ya all up wanted ta' make a dealy-deal with ya bruh!"

A deal? heh, this sounds interesting enough, but what will he possibly want? It's been a while since something interesting happened to the glitchy skeleton, they mostly stay at the Anti-void, so nothing interesting would happen, aside making and playing with there puppets and stealing chocolate from UF, nothing else would happen, so this was new. The glitchy skeleton raised there non-existent eyebrow at Fresh, wanting to know more about this 'deal'.

"Go on. ."

"Well, here the dealy-deal yo, If ya manage to make a real  new friend In a week- and If ya don't make It, lil' old grumpy ya will have ta start a to make a Q&A with the voices ya up and have there- but If ya get to make a real new friend, then you'll have a full month without messing with ya and leave ya alone! Let's call it...'Free Meh month', got It bruh?" On Fresh's sunglasses changed rom 'Y O L O' to 'D E A L?'.

The glitchy skeleton was shocked, this was a decent deal, but wasn't Blueberry enough to handle? Eh, a little fun won't hurt right? Although the period of time that they'd have without him was a bit unfair for them. 

"5 months."

"3 months-"


And so It started and as quickly as it started, it ended.





And the glitchy skeleton lost the bet on 'befriending' someone, It's not there fault there Anti-social and that they didn't liked being touched, what caused it difficult for them to make any friends really. Right now, the  glitchy skeleton was back in the same spot in where they made the 'deal' with the 80's nightmare, which is currently 5 feet in front of them, with a long smirk stuck on there face while the glitchy skeleton had a grumpy expression on there face, with a hint of sadness, but that didn't change the fact that they were angry that they didn't won the bet, they always were a sour looser.

"Pfffffff- Wow grumpa-dude, I can't even believe that ya couldn't even manage to make 1 new pal, yo!"

"S-Shut up. ."

"Now, did ya all up and remembered out lil' dealy-deal~?"

"yeah yeah, just leave me be."

"What's the radical magical word~?"

". . . . .Leave. Now.Before I turn you to dust." 

"Thaaaaaaaaat's uhhh, yeah! That's totally the radical magical 'word'! See ya later and remember to always say FRESH!" He said unsure, but with that he teleports away with a colorful 'POOF', leaving behind a grumpy skeleton all alone in the middle of The Anti-Void.













"Why me?"


And that Is where It all started~

Hope you guys like the little backstory to this which actually took me 2 hours to think of QwQ

AnYwAyS- like, share and comment! In the next chapter/page Is where you guys get to come in!

Don't be TOO hard on him, please?

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