Question # 17

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Question By: ErRoR_Official

('Glitch looked up. His eyes flickered from red to white over and over again before he blinked and it finally settled on white and he shook his head. "Also. I'm not from here. I'm from another.. Place... So. What's it like living in the Anti-Void?")


"Well...It's blank?" He takes a look at the place for a moment and shrugged, "Yup, It's still blank and hasn't changed a single bit. But to say the least, It's pretty peaceful and simple, not to mention the amount of space there is, which I like." He said calmly but then noticed how they were acting and what they said.

He stood up and went to them. "And umm...Are you ok there bud..? And what do you mean by 'another place'? Where are you from?" He said a bit curious and worried, wanting to know more about them and wanting them?

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