i'M aLiVe!-

68 2 0

Hello my beautiful muffins!
Yes I know.
It's been a while since I was last seen on Wattpad, and I am sorry TTwTT

But I can explain!

Well, ya see, I've been loosing my creativity =w="
AnD may or may not have internet issues-
Not forgetting I'm sick af.

Tomorrow I will be updating all of my books and start once more posting and will be once more starting the "Ask Error!" =w=

Yes, I've had some unanswered questions from you guys, but it's just that Error is too "lazy" and "tired" to answer them. But don't worry, I've got my ways. =)

Anyways, I did and do miss you guys, Wattpad is and was one of my favorite app I'd have. I love reading and writing, as well as creating too!


Only that I've lost motivation and creativity.. TT^TT

Well, since everybody in the whole entire world is in lockdown, no school(but online. I FuCkInG hate that.), No people (only online that is-) and more free time!(cHoReS.)

Now that I have much more free time, I can finally get back on track and finish my books! And catch up with you guys! =w=

Always stay determined and creative!

Hope to see you guys soon,

(Ik- a weird pic to end this message, but eh

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(Ik- a weird pic to end this message, but eh.)

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