So. . .

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So. . .

I'm real sick =~= 

But! That doesn't mean that it will stop me on doing this book! 

Well, I was thinking on making a special Chapter! In which Is about Error x ???

I know, 'Who's ???' Well! You'll be the ones In choosing that special someone! Since I really don't know who to pick and am scared of you guys judging meh QwQ

So! Here are the ones I was thinking about:

- Ink S.

- Nightmare S.

- Blueberry S.

- (Other, comment who else you'd like it to be)

Those are the ones that I've been thinking about and the one with the most votes get's to be on the special chapter with Error!

And you'll also get a chance to ask them questions too! (Only for 3 days though, srr QwQ ) 

Inspired By: @Psychokayla

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