Androids?! 16, 17, 18?!

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                        BASED PARODY

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super And Yes Dragon Ball Z Abridged, are all owned by FUNimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, Shueisha, Akira Toriyama, And Team Four Star.


Old-Man: Oh shit!

Vegeta: (Smirks) Hmph

Gohan: But How?! I thought you had to be pure hearted like my parents...but then again

Bardock: What? You don't think I'm pure?


Bardock: Give it time you'll see

Vegeta: Theres Another way to realize the legend


Vegeta: (crying) I wanna! I wanna be a super saiyan! I wanna! I wanna! I wanna! I wanna! I wanna! I wanna!

Flashback ends

Vegeta: Push-ups, sit-ups, and plenty of juice. And besides, my heart is pure...Pure...unadulterated...badass

Tien: Yeah, more like pure unadulterated ego.

Vegeta: I heard that!

Tien: Is that ok?

Vegeta: As a matter of fact go fuck yourself! (Faces towards old man) Now, onto you-where did he go? Urgh...Whatever. Baldy! Senzu bean

Krillin: You think I'm just giving these away? ...'cause I'm not...

Vegeta: 5...

Krillin: Here you go! (Throws Senzu bean)

Vegeta: (catches and eats) When a goddamn Super Saiyan asks you for a Senzu Bean, you say "how many"? (Goes Super saiyan) That's better. Count yourselves lucky to be in the presence of a shining golden God such as myself. Now, if you'll excuse me I'm off to go kill the other-

Bardock: Wait a minute!

Vegeta: Huh?

Bardock: That other Android is the Doctor who made the other embarrassment you demolished. Those weren't the real androids

Piccolo: Are you seriously telling us this now?

Bardock: I knew you'd be listening in our conversation. But don't worry, he'll be delayed because Krillin is already on his way to the lab I told him about.

Vegeta: Huh, then let's not waste anymore time (flies off)

Bardock: Right! (Goes Super Saiyan and follows)

Everyone went and followed the two Super Saiyans who were on pursuit on Dr. Gero

Vegeta: Hm...Bardock! Do you know where he is?

Bardock: As a matter of fact have a plan to drag him out (Fires blast at mountain)

Dr. Gero: (jumps out to collect energy) Your energy is mine

Bardock: Now Vegeta!

Vegeta: Hah! (Kicks Gero) Look Who installed a pair!


Trunks: Oh wow, Chiaotzu really let himself go...wait...that's not Chiaotzu...Oh Crapbaskets


Piccolo: Hraah! (Kicks Gero into a mountain)

Dr. Gero: first: WHAT?! second: THE FUCK?!?!

Piccolo: You know, I did spend three years training with Goku.

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