Part 3: Lemon Meringue

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Natasha's heart was beating as Bucky handed her the roses. The world seemed to revolve in slow motion around them as she took a breath. Was this a joke? Or was he really offering roses to her?

She swallowed and took them, gripping it firmly so they didn't slip out of the package. She suddenly had the strongest urge to kiss him, she could feel her lips yearning to be on his. Her heart was screaming yes, but her mind was screaming no.

He has a girlfriend, and they're so happy together. Love brings nothing but pain and sorrow. Let go of your feelings for him, he's not for you. He's perfect in every way, but you can't have him even though you want him so bad. Let go of him. Let go now, before you do something you'll regret. Just let go already!

Her kiss that was meant for his lips changed course and she gave him a peck on his cheek, feeling her already torn up heart break a little more.

"Thanks, you're the best," she said flatly.

Bucky instinctively moved his head forwards to return the gesture, but for a split second she believed he was going to kiss her on her lips, and her heart soared. She leaned forwards to make the distance, but he turned his head and kissed her soft cheek instead. Natasha's heart sank back down to where it had once been, but she swallowed her disappointment down and covered it with a smile. She was good at faking. She had gotten good at masking her feelings over years of practice.

"I'll see you later."

Bucky's voice brought her back into reality, and she blinked to refocus. She smiled that fake smile and backed away, back towards the direction she was heading.

"I'm counting on it Barnes," she said with a forced upbeat tone.

"You'll never know anything but pain."

His smile was warm and genuine as he moved in the opposite direction. Natasha's heart was burning to stay with him.

"All you care about is yourself."

Natasha took her time to turn away, still wanting to see that handsome face.

"You were destined to be alone."

She finally managed to turn around and continue on her way, holding the flowers close to her heart and wearing that fake smile. No one could see through her, no one could ever know what she'd really been through. She couldn't bring herself to trust as easily anymore, and she only really had Bucky to keep her going.

"No one could ever love you."

Those words haunted her as she walked through the streets. The words of her previous lover, Edward Booth. He had claimed to be in love with her, but had really just used her for... certain physical desires. She shuddered at the memories.

The sun arched through the sky as she made her way around New York City, picking up certain things and depositing others, just like any other person would.

As the sun vanished on the horizon, she made her way towards her penthouse. Bucky was still her mind, no matter how hard she tried to push him out. His lopsided grin always made her feel safe, and all she wanted was to be pulled into his strong embrace. She always felt dreadfully jealous of Celestine, who got to call Bucky her own.

She looked around and suddenly became aware that she had not walked to her penthouse, but had ended up on Bucky's street. She frowned and turned around confusedly. How had she walked this far without noticing?

She sighed and turned around, beginning to walk back to her penthouse. Who in their right mind would wander this far without noticing? She shook her head and decided she just needed some rest.

Natasha knew that there was a shortcut through a rather sketchy alleyway, but it was the fastest route home, and if she was quick enough she could get through it before it was completely pitch black. She made her way to the entrance and peered through it questioningly. She couldn't see anyone down it so she gingerly started to make her way to the end.

Suddenly she felt an unfamiliar hand grab her arm from behind, and she whirled around to face a stranger in dark clothes. She opened her mouth to scream but they quickly placed a rough hand over her mouth. She kicked and fought violently, but they overpowered her and started to drag her away to who knows where.

She struggled to rip her mouth away, but she finally managed to and screamed.

"HELP!" she cried, fighting as hard as she could to slow the man down, "someone! Please!" She felt tears of terror prick her eyes as her kidnapper had her almost out of sight from the road. No one was going to save her.

She then saw another figure appear on the sidewalk at the entrance of the alleyway. It was tall and muscular and... very familiar. They charged into the alleyway and tackled the man to the ground, and Natasha could've sworn she saw a flash of metal.

"GO!" her savior cried, and she immediately recognized the voice as Bucky's.

She scrambled away as fast as she could and grabbed a fragment of a wooden beam from the dumpster. She heard Bucky cry in pain and whirled around to see that the man had pulled a knife on him and had sliced his soft cheek with the blade. She hastily swung the pole high and brought it down forcefully onto the man's head with a sickening crack! The dark figure screamed and went limp, and Natasha grabbed Bucky and pulled him away.

"Hey, are you okay?" Bucky asked in a concerned tone, brushing her hair away and holding her face in his hands. "He didn't hurt you did he?"

Natasha was shaking and she brought her hand up to the cut on his face, tracing it lightly. He winced, but leaned into her touch.

"F-Forget about me, he cut you!" she said. Without allowing it, she felt two hot tears of shock fall from her eyes. Bucky shifted his hold and wiped them away, smiling that warm smile.

"You're safe now," he whispered, "I'm going to take you inside, okay?"

She nodded and let him slip his arms around her body and lift her up bridal-style, carrying her up to the door of his apartment. She leaned her head on his chest and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself somewhat.

"You're lucky that I was home," he said as he opened the door and laid her down on the couch, "I could've lost you~"

She tried to smile for him, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. He walked away and came back with a wet towel to dab at his cut.

"No, let me," Natasha said as she reached up and pulled him down next to her, taking the towel from him and continuing to dab at his wound. "It's the least I can do to thank you. You saved my life."

"Well, that's what friends are for, right?" Bucky smiled and winced again as his cut stung. "Agh~"

Natasha sighed painfully but nodded. "Of course."

Bucky watched her carefully with his ice blue eyes as she dabbed at his wound. Natasha could feel his gaze and stood up, walking away and coming back with a fresh cloth. She knelt in front of him and reached up to clean his cut again, but he took her by the wrist.


She chanced a look at him. "Yes, Bucky?"

"I..." he seemed to be having an internal struggle, then visibly changed his mind. "Do you like lemon meringue? I'm pretty sure me and Celly have some left over."

Natasha considered if changing the subject was a good thing, but she went along with it and smiled slightly. "It's one of my favorites actually."

"Let's have some," Bucky stood and paced to the kitchen, "Celly's at her book club so I don't think she'd mind."

Natasha tossed the rag and sat back down on the sofa, waiting for Bucky to return. Moments later he came back with a couple plates of lemon meringue pie, sitting down beside her and handing her one. She took her fork and took a bite, letting the sweetness soothe over her previous fear.

"Mm~" she leaned her head on Bucky's shoulder and closed her eyes tiredly. "Thank you..."

She didn't see him blush or smile to himself as he ate his own piece.

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