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Bucky trotted up the steps of his sizable house, unzipping his mission suit partially. He had gotten a rather important call from his wife- a call important enough to cut his time at Shield a little short today. It had been years since Stevie's passing, and every day the two missed him, and there was still so much they couldn't let go of. But in their hearts they knew Stevie was somewhere happy and safe, and someday they would be able to see him again and tell them how terribly sorry they were.

The brunette had been with Shield for a while now- long enough to have moved up through the ranks and training. Now he was getting a more reasonable pay since then, and he had enough to be able to afford a standard home and not some dingy apartment. He was so grateful for his wife, and every day he made sure to let her know how much he truly loved and appreciated her before he left for work.

Today, however, was probably a very panicky day for Bucky. He had of course been in a situation at work, but that was regular now. With advanced training he was able to infiltrate the enemy's ranks and steal information for Fury, but that came with a heavy price. His left arm was now a metal prosthetic, but it worked like a charm and Natsha would always tease by leaving magnet messages on it.

The agent burst through the door to see his wife comfortably reclined on the couch, caressing her stomach softly and Bucky panted as he closed the door and moved over to her. He didn't dare believe it was time again. Would he be ready? To let go of Stevie and create some more room in his scarred heart for another try?

"A-Are you sure?..." he mumbled as he sank to his knees at his wife's feet, reaching up to feel her slight roundness. Natasha chuckled and placed her hands on his.

"Last time I checked, which was five minutes ago, yes," she replied as she kissed the top of his head.

Bucky looked up to her with concern in his eyes, mixed with both love and wonder. He knew this would be hard for his wife no matter how hard she tried to hide it or refused to admit it. Stevie was their first born and since his death, she hadn't been the same. Neither of them had.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay with this? I know we had discussed it a little while earlier, but-"

"James," she laughed and cupped his cheeks, squishing his face together playfully. "You're being ridiculous. I said I was ready to try again, and you did too so don't try to deny it. I was prepared and I hope you were too."

"O-Of course I was! I just... didn't expect it so soon..." he mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck. "It's not the easiest job, being a daddy."

"Worked so far for me," Natasha teased and made the brunette blush intensely. "I'm just kidding with you, Buck. You're going to be a great daddy to our daughter..."

Daughter? They were going to have a... girl? Bucky was shocked momentarily but then frowned in confusion. How could she know already? Natasha smiled and patted her stomach, looking proud of herself, and answered her husband's unspoken question as if she had read his mind.

"I know it's too soon to be completely certain, but I can just feel it. It's going to be a girl..." she murmured and then looked back down to her husband. "Wanted another boy?"

Having Stevie been implied made Bucky's heart squirm slightly but he shook his head, trying to rid the feeling of the eternal grief he was now burdened with for the loss of his precious baby boy. Having a girl might be a nice change of pace for him, and he was sure that it was what Natasha had always wanted. Heck, when she was pregnant with Stevie they had thought he'd be a girl too. But she seemed so much more calm and sure of it now.

"No- no I would be perfectly happy either way," he said in a soft, almost reverent voice as he caressed her stomach again, wishing he could already feel little kicks and squirms. "I know we've... had a bit of troubles in the past, but I feel ready now... I feel ready to try again. For him."

Natasha's smile faded slightly as she too seemed to be thinking about Stevie. Bucky hoped she didn't feel guilty about planning to have another baby after losing him. It wasn't the easiest thing to come back from, but he knew she was strong, and so was he.

He pushed himself up onto the couch and cupped her cheeks gently, having her look him in the eyes. His gaze was soft and loving as he smiled at her and leaned in to peck her lips.

"Don't worry, Nat. I'm not going to let go of Stevie just because we're having little Margaret..." he whispered and made her laugh shakily. "You said I could name her if it was a girl. "I knew a girl named Margaret. She was strong and brave... kinda like you."

"Kinda?" Natasha hummed at the kiss and placed her hands on top of her husband's again, gently. "I guess I'll have to work a bit harder to prove myself to you, huh?

Bucky grinned and shook his head, nuzzling against his wife's chest and resting his head there as she stroked his back affectionately. He couldn't have asked for a more amazing woman than this one right here, and even though they had been through hell and back to get to where they were now, he would go through it all again if it meant being with her forever.

"I love you, James..." she murmured and Bucky relaxed against her more and more, feeling excitement at the prospect of another shot.

"I love you too, Nat... I promise you that it's going to work out this time... and I'll be here every step of the way, as long as I live."

There was a comfortable silence. A silence where Bucky could have sworn he heard the echo of a small, sweet laugh. Where there was a sweet feeling of peace and life would go according to plan, for now. He knew better than to believe it would all be smooth sailing from here on out, but right now, in this moment, he truly believed it would.

And he had no one to thank for this feeling of completion and peace except for his wonderful, amazing wife.

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