Part 7: Stevie

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Natasha's heart stopped the moment the doctor had said those words. Her entire body went rigid and she sensed Bucky's do the same. She was pregnant? How could this be? She and Bucky had barely been married as it was! They were just heading home from their honeymoon after all! She had expected at least a year before trying for a child, and yet here she was. sitting in the doctor's office with a baby inside her. What was she to do?

"She's pregnant?!" Bucky gaped at his wife who was still in a complete state of shock. "You're pregnant?!"

Natasha tried to keep her cool as best as she could. "Well, I'm pretty sure you should keep repeating yourself. You'll figure it out eventually."

Bucky slapped a hand to his forehead and laughed in shock, then scooped up Nat in his arms and spun her around the room, laughing happily. "We're gonna be parents!"

Natasha couldn't help but laugh too as he held her close. "Well, how long to we have?" she looked to the doctor questioningly. 

"It appears you've been expecting for a good four months," she said, placing herself in a seat to face them. "I estimate you'll have another five to go."

"F-Four months?" Natasha felt shocked all over again as another wave of pain ripped through her midriff. 

"Wow... we've been pretty naughty, eh?" Bucky nudged Natasha to lighten her up, but she just shot him a glare which shut him up tight.

"I'll prescribe everything you'll need, and in the mean time you get yourself back home," the doctor said with that smiley face.

Bucky nodded and took Natasha by the hand, helping her to the front desk where he paid. He then took her outside and stopped out in the front of the office. He turned to face her.

"How are you, with the whole 'you're pregnant' thing?" he asked softly. He looked excited and terrified at the same time, and honestly that's exactly how she felt too.

"Can... can we talk about this somewhere else?..." Natasha whispered, not meeting his gaze. "I just... I just wanna go home..."

Bucky opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again and sighed heavily. "Nat, I know this is shocking news, but... I think I deserve to know what you think about all this, yeah?" He gave her a hopeful look. "Please?"

She turned away from him and clutched at her stomach as another wave of pain hit her. She bit her tongue so she wouldn't cry out. "Bucky, I think I just need some time to think..."

Bucky sighed and strode up to her, sweeping her into his arms and kissing her cheek affectionately. "Alright, alright, let's go home."


Four months and two days later, Natasha was no longer as in shape and slim as she'd like to be. It looked as if someone had placed an extra large bowling ball inside her stomach, and the extra weight wasn't helping anyone. Her pregnancy had definitely taken its toll on Bucky, who's face was covered in unshaven stubble and bloodshot eyes, along with messier hair and had an under-slept heir about him. He was up a lot more during the night helping her than during the day when he wasn't at work. She was shorter with him and demanded immediate care, to which he grumbled and did as he was told obediently. He just hoped and prayed this would be over soon.

Natasha was currently sitting at the kitchen table scrolling through different paint jobs for baby rooms on her laptop when she felt an unusual sinking feeling in her stomach. She gasped as she felt wetness sink through to her panties. Had her water just broken?!

"Bucky!" she cried, standing up then keeling over in pain as the baby in her stomach protested in the sudden movement. 

She heard her husband dutifully rush down the stairs and into the kitchen, taking her gently by the arm and supporting her. "Yes dear? What will it be this time, sushi from across town or-"

"My water broke James!" she cried, clutching at his neck as her stomach gave another painful heave, "w-we have to go to the hospital!"

Bucky blinked, shocked in the moment, but was quickly snapped out of it and hoisted her into his arms, running for the car. "You've got it baby! One hospital run coming right up!"

He burst into the garage and placed her gently in the passenger seat before climbing in. He turned on the ignition and soon they were speeding down the highway towards the hospital. The pain Natasha felt was close to unbearable, and she groaned, gripping the seatbelt tightly. Bucky sweetly offered her his hand.

"Squeeze this instead, love," he said gently. She took it gratefully and gasped as more pain came.

"I-I'm so sorry!" she cried as she crushed his hand with her tight grip. Bucky held his breath to keep himself quiet.

"Deep breaths," he said coaxingly as Natasha began hyperventilating. "We're almost there baby, just hang in there!"

They pulled up to the hospital and Bucky screeched the car onto the curb, hastily ripping the door open and running Natasha inside. The front desk lady knew the drill of course, and soon doctors were wheeling Natasha away as she finally cried out, the pain being too much for her to handle. Bucky jogged after them and kept her in his sight as they kicked open a door. 

Natasha screamed as they told her to push. Bucky finally caught up and stumbled to her side, panting and taking her hand in his, leaning over and blocking out the view of the doctors working over her as their baby was being birthed into this world.

"Hey, I'm here, I'm here," he whispered as she looked up at him through her unspeakable pain. "You're doing so great baby, he's almost here."

She squeezed her eyes tight as the compressions started up again, and Bucky firmly pressed his lips to her forehead. "Just breathe, that's it darling. I won't leave your side."

He kept whispering reassurances until he heard the wail of a baby. He turned his head around to see the doctors tending to a miniature creature, red and dripping their arms. His heard stopped as he realized that the baby they held was his. It was his son.

"Oh Nat, he's beautiful..." he whispered as the newly cleaned baby was handed to him. He sat down beside the bed and admired the baby's sharp blue eyes. He also had a tuft of blonde hair on the top of his head. He whimpered and fussed in his arms, to which caused Bucky's eyes to water. "Our Stevie is finally here~"

Steve had been the name for a boy they had chosen long ago. Natasha had taken a liking to it and Bucky had agreed. It fit the baby perfectly in Bucky's opinion.

Natasha opened her eyes exhaustedly as Bucky cradled his baby in his arms, kissing the top of his head softly. She reached up weakly and Bucky carefully handed Steve to her, careful to support his head. She looked down at him and her eyes filled with tears of joy as well.

"Oh Steve," she whispered adoringly, placing a motherly kiss atop the baby's head, "welcome to the world."

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