Part 9: Another Night Unrested

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It was around 2 in the morning when Steve's wailing started up again. Natasha groaned as she was pulled out of her sleep, and rolled onto her side to peer at the clock over Bucky's sleeping body. The digital clock glowed brightly and stung her tired eyes. She rubbed her eyes and sat on the edge of the bed with a deep yawn.

He was nearly a year old now so he was starting to sleep through the night, but he hadn't stopped waking up at certain points from late night to early morning. Natasha was usually the one to hear the baby first so she was usually the one who took care of it. It was really taking a toll on her fatigued body and it was starting to make her become more miserable every day. She was starting to get tired of always being the one to take care of the baby, but she was the mother and it was her responsibility.

She pulled on her silky robe and walked down the dark hallway to the baby's room and opened the door to see Steve rolling around in his crib, wailing loudly. His little blonde head peeked up from the bed and sad, wet blue eyes gazed up at his mother, and his cries were reduced to small whimpers. Natasha sighed and scooped him up out of his crib and let him rest his head against her shoulder as she swayed him slightly, trying to lull him back to sleep.

"Shh..." she soothed as she stroked his soft hair softly, "Mamma's here... go back to sleep..."

Steve yawned and his eyelids started to slip closed as his round cheek rested on his mother's shoulder. He quieted somewhat and Natasha sat down in the rocking chair that sat in the corner of the room. She wished that Bucky would be more attentive at night when it came to taking care of the baby. During the day he was always alert and there whenever Steve needed something, and Natasha too of course. But that tired him out quickly, so when it came to the night shift, Natasha was the only one awoken when Steve started one of his fits.

"I love you Stevie," she kissed the top of his head as she sensed him fall asleep in her arms. She stood and strode over to the crib, gently placing him onto the plush cushions and bringing his blanket over him. She smiled tiredly as she watched her baby sleep. It really was all worth it in the end.

She gave him one last kiss before walking quietly out of the room and back down the hallway, but she paused outside her door. She didn't know why she was hesitating to go back in and join Bucky in their bed, but she just really felt like he should be doing more for the night.

She turned and headed to the kitchen instead. She turned on the small light and poured herself a glass of milk, draining it instantly. She rubbed her eyes exhaustively and jumped when she heard a voice from the living room.

"Couldn't sleep either?"

"James Buchanan Barnes, don't you ever scare me like that again!" she hissed as her heart raced from adrenaline.

Bucky laughed softly and smiled at her from his spot on the couch. "Aw, I'm sorry Nat. I'll try to be more careful next time."

She rolled her eyes and trotted over to the couch to join him. She snuggled close and momentarily forgot about her annoyance towards him, and let her sleepiness take over. She felt so cozy with him and it made her happy just to sit there for a moment.

"I know you're mad at me. I'm really sorry I don't get up to take care of Stevie during the night, I should be better about that. It's just exhausting enough during the day to take care of him, and I know that's not a good enough excuse..." Bucky whispered, running a hand through Nat's hair.

She sighed and leaned into his touch. "Yeah, I am kinda pissed... and tired."

"I'll do my part for the nights, don't worry." Bucky pulled her onto his lap and held her gently. She straddled his waist and rested against him, smiling sleepily.

"You'd better..." she whispered, placing a small kiss on his lips. "Or else."

Bucky smirked up at her as her long strands of red hair tickled the skin on his face. "Or else what?"

She blew a harsh raspberry into his neck and made him laugh. He squirmed under her as she tickled him, but she held onto him firmly and continued.

"N-Nat!" he squeaked as he desperately tried to break away, "no! S-Stop it!!"

"Never!" she laughed and pinned him down onto the couch, kissing him all over his face. "You deserve it!"

She paused in her attempts to assault her husband with kisses and tickles, gazing into his wintery eyes. His giddy smile faded and he looked back up at her questioningly as she caressed his cheek softly.


She smiled lovingly as she felt the soft skin on his face and traced his prominent jawline. He reached up and held her small chin, bringing it down and kissing her gently. They let the sweet kiss linger for a moment before she lowered herself beside him and sighed tiredly.

"I love you Bucky Bear..." she whispered, closing her eyes and willing sleep to come to her. "I know that I can always rely on you to help out with the baby..."

Bucky kissed her cheek and rubbed circles on her arm softly. "I'll do my darndest to support this family."

Natasha yawned slightly as she finally felt sleep coming to her. Her hold around Bucky's neck loosened as she finally fell back asleep. Bucky decided he wasn't going to head back upstairs seeing as his wife was already down here, and he didn't want to wake her. She deserved her sleep since she was the one who had been taking care of Stevie during the night most of the time after all.

He just hoped he was enough to support this family, seeing as he was on the verge of losing his job.

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