Chapter 6

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AN: HERE is the next chapter... and someone of 1D might have some feelings.. who do you think it'll be of the lads?????

YA LOUIS TEAM kicked butt 2-1... YAY!!!!!! So here is a picture of Louis playing and with an interview before the game... so sweet... LOL


Chapter 6

(Liam’s POV)

“She is really nice,” Niall said as Louis moved up front to sit next to me in the passenger seat.

“Very nice,” Louis agreed.

“She has no control over this wedding,” Harry said. “I mean, she hates the cake idea and flowers until we went in with her and changed it.”

“This wedding isn’t her at all, it’s her soon-to-be mother-in-law,” Zayn added.

I nod, “It’s horrible since she can’t get a word in on what she wants done,” I told the lads as we were headed to the studio to practice singing.

“Well, tomorrow we get to go to the church for the setup,” Harry said looking at the folder that we had of everything that Joy gave us. “And then… oh that’s lovely.”

“What is it?” Lou asked.

“We have to go taste the food that will be served at the wedding party.”

“Mmm, food,” Niall said licking his lips and rubs his stomach.

“Maybe we shouldn’t take along Niall for that one,” Zayn said.

“Hey!” he said and we all started laughing.

“You can come,” Lou smiled at him.“Just have to make sure that there is plenty food for the rest of us.”

“I promise mate, I won’t eat everyone’s plate this time.”

“I’ll make note of that,” I said smiling at him in the rearview mirror.

“So what’s the songs that Joy wants us to sing?” Niall asked Harry.

Harry pulled out the list and started reading it off, as the top six were ours.

What’s Makes You Beautiful, Gotta Be You, Stole My Heart, Moments, More Than This, and Live While Were Young,” Harry read off.

I thought about it, “Isn’t some telling the girl that we want her?” I asked.

“Ya…” Louis said. “But it’s the songs that she wants.”

“Why don’t we ask what songs Nikki wants,” Zayn said. “I mean it is her wedding.”

“Ya,” the others agreed.

“I don’t want to be rude, but we should just sing what she requested,” I told the lads. “Think about it… we’re already changing everything to the wedding… something should just stay the same.”

“Maybe we can change some of the song, or just pick a different song of ours,” Zayn suggested.

“Let’s just practice and see if we can sing these other songs,” Harry said as I pulled up to the studio, we got out and headed inside.


(Nicole’s POV)

I was at work alongside with Mandy and we were a little slower tonight, which was nice, because Mandy wanted to know everything that happened today with the boys at the cake and flower shop. I did get a text from Liam telling me that they would be back at my place tomorrow afternoon to go checkout the food for the party and then the church and the catering for the wedding setup on what would be used.

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