Chapter 7

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AN: Okay I just love what happens in this chapter... BUT...

LOVE the song Little Things... the MV comes out FRIDAY... YA...

I have A's in ALL of my classes YA AGAIN... I go tomorrow to get help on picking my classes for the spring semester... I get to taking a painting class, which is going to be taught by the SAME professor as my Drawing class.... I am working on a secret 1D picture... my teacher loves what I have done so far, and once I'm done, I'm taking a picture and then I'll show you on here when I'm done... I've just got the coloring of it to do left... just have homework to do BEFORE I color...

Here is the next part... I am done writing this story out... going back and correcting everything on spelling and stuff, then I'll post... but here you go... here is the video Moments from the Teen Awards a while back...

And again thanks to @AmazaynMel for helping me out too.


Chapter 7

(Louis’ POV)

            The next morning, I was up and got ready for the day, and I went to get some breakfast as I saw Harry and Zayn up already eating.

            “Mornin’,” I said to them as I got some cereal.

            “Mornin’ Lou,” Zayn said as Harry said it with a mouth full.

            “Remember not to eat a lot,” I said getting mine and getting my tea. “We are having a feast,” I said.

            “Niall’s ready,” Zayn laughed. “He quickly ate and went back to his room to get ready.”

            I laughed, “He is going to eat everything.”

            “Not if I can help it,” we heard, and looked to Liam see dressed nicely and coming in for his breakfast, biscuits and butter, with some jelly and tea to drink it down with.

            “Ya, daddy needs to make sure he stays in line,” Harry said.

            We all agreed with a chuckle and finished up breakfast.

            “So, did you talk to Nicole,” Zayn asked Liam.

            “I did last night… Oh…” he said pausing, “I forgot to tell you, Mandy will be joining us.”

            “Really?” I asked.

            “Ya, Mandy texted me through Nikki’s phone asking if she could come, which I didn’t see why not, she is her MOH?”

            I thought about it, “She does have the right to join us, besides, she’ll have fun.”

            “So, Mandy will be at Nikki’s when we go get her around ten,” Liam said.

            Zayn looked at his watch, “You mean now?”

            We all looked at our watches, swear out loud, jumped up quickly, and took off to finish getting ready to leave.


(Nicole’s POV)

            Mandy and I were outside on the front stoop of my place waiting for the boys to come get us. They were twenty minutes late, but at ten I got a text from Liam saying that they were sorry and on their way since they woke up late and getting ready. I thought that it was sweet, and at least they weren’t standing us up for waiting all day long.

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