Chapter 13

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AN: Hello... busy two weeks for me... and so I'm posting early... I feel bad for the lads yesterday when they got mobbed by the fans... I would've been upset, and seriously turn into Mummy D for them... I don't know the story on what happened, but I'm shocked and like OMG... fans were greedy, told the boys that they belonged in the UK, not to go anywhere else... um I'm sorry... but you don't own them... they own themselves... and you have to SHARE them too... get over it...

Okay... onto the story... one more chapter after this and this story is done.....


Chapter 13

(Nikki’s POV)

            Mandy and I planned everything; even mum and dad were in on it. We got to the church early since the wedding didn’t start until 1pm.

            We checked to make sure that everything was what I wanted with the One Direction’s help, and it was down to the T on everything. The setup, the flowers, everything.

            First, was telling Rosie that Mandy was going to be my MOH, and she could go to hell… well, pretty much I told all of the girls that they couldn’t be a part of the wedding, I wasn’t friends with them and why have them up there when I didn’t know any of them.

            They frowned and left me, Mandy, and mum alone. So that was done.

            Next was to get me in my dress, and get ready to marry Tony. Joy would come in to check on me, and make sure that everything was ready… but not until she sees the wedding setup and the flowers first.

            As I was getting the veil put in, we heard a scream coming from outside my room, which me and Mandy looked at each other and giggled.

            Joy saw the setup… Check.

            Then the door opened up. “What the bloody hell is going on out there?” she asked me.

            “What are you talking about Joy?” I asked. “I was in here the whole time.”

            “The setup, it’s all wrong… it wasn’t supposed to be like that… it was supposed to be…”

            “Different,” Mandy said.

            “Yes…” she then saw the flowers. “No… no no no no… the flowers are all wrong… they’re supposed to be…”

            “Carnations and tulips,” I asked.

            “Yes…” she said. “I have to call and reorder them.”

            “Oh, don’t worry about it now, it’s too late to change anything,” mum said.

            She then looked around the room. “Wait where are the girls? Where is the bridesmaids?”

            “Oh, I sent them out there since I wanted mum and Mandy’s help…” I said.

            “Wait. Mandy is wearing a bridesmaid dress… she’s not a part of the party…”

            “Yes she is…” I said sternly.

            “She doesn’t line up with the girls the right way…”

            “Well, she’s my MOH and I told her too,” I said as I turned around in my dress.

            Joy looked at me.  “Wait… that’s not the dressed you picked… it was different.”

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