~chapter 2~

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He's gonna call me up there...

Blasty boi pov~

"And now, for the event you've all been waiting for-"

We take our seats as far away from the ring as possible

"Deku vs. uhhhh.... The other dude's name doesn't matter!"

The crowd cheers loudly, annoying shits...

Deku easily finishes the competitor off, barely even using any power.

"Damn nerd's overpowered," I mumble to myself.

"Does anyone else dare fight the legendary Deku?!"

He finishes off many more people, without even breaking a sweat.

"Oh, come on!" He shouts, "there's gotta be someone better then that!" He makes a show of looking through the crowd.

I sigh and reluctantly put on my hero costume mask.

"Ground zero!" He shouts happily, "nice to see you here! Why don't you come up and fight me?"

The entire class looks at me with pure shock, probably wondering how I know Deku, as I make my way down the isle??? Towards Deku. "Yo, Deku! Just try not to ruin my sweatshirt! It's new!" I smirk to cover up my fear. The last time we fought I ended up bleeding out on the ground before he eventually gave me some of his blood to heal me...

"Oh come on, I said I was sorry last time!" He says back to me as I get into the ring.

We both drop into a fighting stance.

"Hey, ground zero. No quirks for now, let's even out the playing field," he says, possibly smirking. I can't tell.

"Sounds good, don't want you mutilating me like last time," I smirk.

We begin to battle it out, matching each other's punches and being as brutal with each other as possible without quirks.

After a while of us warming up without quirks, he winks, I think, at me. I take this as a sign to start using my quirk and send an explosion made of the sweat I gathered during the fight his way. He simply let's it engulf him before I hear, "full counter!"

Must have found a stick or something to cast full counter with...

I dodge my explosion with a jump just in time, running around and going behind him to send an explosion to the back of his head. He gets hit and stops, giving me the chance to grab his arm, sending explosions along it, mutilating it like he did to me last time we fought, before ripping it off and throwing it somewhere else. He, I think, smirks and calls his arm back, awakening his demonic powers. I dodge a demon powered punch to the gut, knowing it wouldn't end well if I got hit by it.

"Did I make someone mad?" I taunt in a baby voice, knowing he hates it.

He simply looks at me with that freakishly blank face he gets when he goes berserk and runs at me, his arm transformed into an axe? I throw some high powered explosions at him, honestly fearing for my life.

I end up on the other side of the ring with him in the middle, staring me down. I wait for my sweat to collect enough so I can make another powerful explosion.

He runs at me, arms transformed into large scary hands. Oh crap, I won't be able to dodge this.

MidOwOia pov~

He won't be able to dodge this. I think, slamming into him with my darkness hands.

He ends up unconscious, bleeding from multiple wounds. I go out of my berserk state and facepalm at his idiocy before getting out a knife and slicing my wrist. I open his mouth and pour my blood in, much to the horror of his entire class watching. I see a tired hobo- looking man running towards me, or rather kacchan, although he stops when he sees kacchan's wounds suddenly heal as he regains consciousness.

And when he wakes up, I slap him in the face. "You idiot, you know not to taunt me while I'm like that! You could've gotten seriously injured!"

"Hey! I'm trying to help you not go into that berserk state of yours!" He yells back.


The class and hobo man seem to have frozen in confusion at my yelling.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, deku. It's okay!" He panics, "I knew you could just heal me with your creepy blood, so I didn't worry about it."

"B-but... If you'd died I could never have forgiven myself, kacchan," I cry into his shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay," he wraps his arms around me while giving the hobo man a death glare.

Blasty boi pov~

I hug Deku and glare at Aizawa, he better not ruin our moment...

"Well, if you want to make it up to me, you could give me a kiss," I flirt, winking at him.

"You one minded ignorant- mff" he gets interrupted by me pressing my lips against his. He made the mistake of straddling me when he went to hug me and now I'm kind of horny.

He pushes me away with a red face and looks away, "K-Kacchan let people finish their sentences..." He mumbles, trying to hide his blush.

I smirk and say, "also I think you've been caught, Deku," I say, smirking.

He turns to see Mr. Aizawa wave at him.

"Goddamnit, if I hadn't helped you I wouldn't be it this situation," he groans.

I chuckle and lift him up, "here ya go!" I say with a smirk as I hand him over to Aizawa.

"Traitor," he mumbles from his spot wrapped up in Aizawa's scarf, "this is comfortable, though," he cuddles into it and starts drifting off.

"Hey! Don't fall asleep in my scarf!" Aizawa protests.

"I haven't slept in days, just let me be," he mumbles as he slips further into the scarf.

"You take him," Aizawa tells me as he gives me my scarf- wrapped friend with benefits.

"Why?" I ask.

"Aren't you two boyfriends?" He asks.

"More like friends with benefits," I say with a smirk.

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