~chapter 6~

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"I'm Meliodas, your great grandfather"

Izuwu pov~

"And I'm Elizabeth, your great grandmother."

"We need to tell you something important, Izuku, so listen closely because we don't have much time!" Meliodas says, "your powers are coming back, and with that, your memories. You need to learn how to control your emotions or there could be horrible consequences!"

I feel myself being pulled away, "but- but what do you mean by 'coming back'?! I thought I already had full power! And my memories?!"

I sit up in bed, a cold sweat adorning my forehead. "Just a dream..." I whisper.

"Are you okay?" Kacchan asks, " I've been trying to wake you up for a whole half hour. We'll be late if you don't hurry up," he hands me a uniform, "change into this."

I change quickly and run back into the room, "I'm ready! Let's go!" We rush out to get some toast then make our way to the school. When we get to the freakishly large door, Kacchan opens it for me.

"What a gentleman," I joke.

"Of course," he says with a small bow.

I chuckle and wait for him to sit down so I can sit behind him. Mr. Hobo comes in and says, "everybody quiet down! Since Midoriya didn't get to do the quirk apprehension test, he will be doing it now. Everyone out to the field."


Once we're on the field, Mr. Hobo directs me to home base. I stand there tossing up and catching the baseball he gave me, I wonder how far it will go with these new powers... I simply shrug and ask, "do you want me to go all out on it?"

"Uhhhh... Sure," hobo teacher replies.

"Okay, everyone back away." I smirk and think about things that make me angry to let out my berserk form. I suddenly get a memory that I don't think is mine, and angel that looks like Kacchan, dying in my arms with me crying over him, not being able to do anything about it. It makes me mad... Very mad... I can't do anything about it... I suddenly scream and let darkness surround me. I throw the ball, channeling all my pain and anguish into it.

The shock wave from the throw sends everybody stumbling backwards even though they backed away.

"Guh" I tuck my arms in and mumble to myself, "keep it under control... Don't let the darkness swallow you..."

I manage to contain it for now by remembering good times with Kacchan. Although, it leaves me out of breath and crouched on the ground. Kacchan runs up to me, "Deku!" He gasps when he looks at me.

"What?" I manage to say through breathes.

"Your eye patch and mask came off..." He informs me.

I clutch the side of my face in fear, confirming what he said. My eye patch and mask are gone... I look at him with worry as I get up and stand at my full height.

I eventually sigh, "I can't hide my scars forever,"

As I'm turning around, a baseball (wonder where that came from) comes in at high speed and hits Kacchan directly in the face. I look at him for five seconds then burst into laughter.

"That... That ball went all the way around the world..."

"It went all that way just to hit Kacchan in the face!" I say, now rolling on the floor laughing.


I just continue laughing, "do-do my powers have it out for you or something?!" I say, still laughing.

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