~chapter 3~

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"more like friends with benefits," I say with a smirk.

Blasty boi pov~

I'm currently sitting in a police station with a scarf- wrapped friend on my lap, waiting for him to wake up so he can be questioned.

As I'm lost in thoughts he begins to stir.

"K-kacchan?" I hear.

"Hey, Deku. Nice of you to finally wake up," I say with a smirk, he simply yawns adorably in response.

"That's the person who killed three illegal fighters?" A detective asks sceptically.

"He's deadly," I answer nonchalantly. (Big words)

The detectives look at the boy in my arms with confusion, probably wondering how a cute cinnamon roll could do that.

"I've seen it before, he has crazy power," Mr. Aizawa walks in and takes a seat in front of us, "now tell me, why does my quirk not work on you?"

Deku's eyes go wide, "u-uhm... Is this even related to the crimes? I did commit them. You can just put me in a prison or whatever, its ok," he panics. I hug him tighter to comfort him.

"Wait, your quirk doesn't work against him?" The same detective as before asks.

Deku sighs and mumbles, "it's not a quirk..." my eyes widen. Then, louder this time, "I-I'm not human..."

"That's definitely not right, you know one of these detectives has a truth detector quirk, right? Where is he?"

Mr. Aizawa looks around until he sees  a detective looking scared out of his mind, "it-it's true!" The detective stutters out.

Mr. Aizawa looks back at Deku in shock, "you're not human?"

"I-I'm a d-demon..." Deku mumbles, retreating further into the scarf, "th-they were s-sealed away lo-long ago but my-my a-ancestors managed to-to escape..." He says, getting quieter as he speaks.

I hug him tighter and kiss the top of his head to console him. I never knew he was a demon... Why didn't he ever tell me?

"I-I'm so so-sorry I di-didn't t-t-tell you, Kacchan..." He says to me.

"It's okay, it's just a bit hard to comprehend," I say.

"So if you're a demon..." He trails off and then gets one of his classic shit eating grins, "we aren't really able to send you to prison so we would have to search for a different punishment, such as going to UA to become a hero," he says.

Deku looks at him in confusion, "w-what?"

"I'm gonna go get principal Nezu! You stay here," he then proceeds to leave with all the detectives.

"Wh-what j-just happened?" He asks.

"I don't even know..."

Time skip 1 hour

3rd person pov~

The detectives, Mr. Aizawa, and principal Nezu all walk into the interrogation room to see bakugou asleep with Deku, wrapped in Aizawa's capture gear, cuddling together.

Aizawa and a few of the detectives take out their phones to take some pictures, Aizawa because he's never seen bakugou so peaceful, and the detectives because they never get to see cute things like that in their line of work.

Aizawa walks over to the two and yells, "bakugou! Midoriya!" Causing the boys to startle awake, falling on the floor.

Izuwu pov~

I wake up groggily to find out who interrupted my sleep, "I was having a good nap..." I mumble, adjusting myself in the scarf to get more comfortable.

Kacchan gives hobo man a death glare, "couldn't you have let us sleep longer?" He growls.

I cuddle into him, mumbling "kacchan, don't be mean."

"... Fine," he reluctantly agrees.

"Anyway..." Hobo says, trying to change the subject, "we have to leave now, so get out of my capture weapon."

"But-but it's comfortable..." I say, pouting.

"Fine, keep it. I have another," he says, giving in to the cuteness of my pout.

I get off of kacchan and wrap the (it's a capture weapon, Izuwu. Say it with me, capture weapon.) Ahem, scarf around my neck like hobo normally does it. (Izuwu never learns...)

"Wait... Where will I be staying?" I question.

"Oh, you'll be staying in bakugou's room," hobo says, "since you know him the best."

"Yeah, that makes sense," I agree.

Time skip till they're at the dorms cuz I'm lazy

Blasty boi pov~

I walk into the dorm building behind Aizawa, with the nerd behind me incase I need to protect him, and see everyone in the class sitting in the common room, staring right at us.


"We heard from present mic that there would be a new student!" Dunce face answers.

"Dammit, Yamada what about 'don't tell the class do you not understand?" I hear Aizawa mumble under his breath. Then, louder, "yes, we have a new student."

Everyone starts talking to each other, wondering what the new student will be like. Sentences such as,

"I hope they're nice!"

"I hope it's a girl"

"I hope she has big boobs"

And, "I just hope they aren't any trouble" (sorry, he's deadly)

"Everybody, quiet down!" Aizawa yells, activating his quirk, "if you had let me talk, you would know that he's right here. But be careful, he's dangerous."

Deku steps out from behind me, "h-hi..."

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