2 - The Museum

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Prompt: A business executive, an artist, and a fitness instructor are in a museum. There is a broken window and a crooked painting. One of them panics. What happened? Write about the scene.

Brian, a business executive runs into a guy crying on the ground. His sobs echo around the deserted hall. This man is sitting in a pile of glass shards. Brian walks over to him and notices the broken window near the guy.

"Are you ok?" Brian asks. the guy sitting on the ground, Mike, looks up. His eyes are a puffy red and tears are streaming down his face.

"No!" Mike replies dramatically, "Someone has messed with my painting, see!" He points at the crooked painting on the wall. Brian walks over to it and straightens it.

"There, all better, now get up off the floor." Mike looks horrified and stands, glass dust sticking to his pants.

"No, that is not right. You messed it up! It was suppose to be crooked!" Brian scrunches his face up at that, confused.

"Then what is wrong?"

"This painting may look like mine, but it is not! Mine was stolen!" Mike states like it is an obvious fact. At this point, another gentleman walks in to the room carrying a gym bag over one shoulder.

"What is going on in here?" He looks between Brian and Mike, then to the broken window. "Wait, your thieves!" he shouts in alarm.

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