25 - Movie/Book Character

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Prompt: Write about a character from a book or a movie. What is it about him/her that you like? What don't you like? What makes him/her compelling?

Samuel Gamgee from Lord of the Rings: He was a faithful and loyal friend to Frodo Baggins during all three books. He knew when Frodo hid from the rest of the group to sneak off, Sam knew Frodo would make his way back to the boats to take one and destroy the ring. Sam stayed by Frodo's side and rescued him from the Orcs when he was captured. In the beginning Sam was just a gardener who was Frodo's closest friend. Sam was fascinated with Elves in the beginning and as he met more, he liked them but his perception of them changed. As the books continued on Sam grew and changed. He became more mature and was an admirable character.

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