16 - Sun's Going Down

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Prompt: Create a dialogue that starts with the words, "Sun's almost down. It won't be long now."

"Sun's  almost down. It won't be long now." Nadia says, tucking an arm around Tamar's shoulder as they huddle together on a blanket on the dewy grass. The field is large with no one in sight and no lights to ruin the outlandish view to come.

"I can't wait." Tamar replies softly, not wanting to disturb the silence of night. "I'm glad we get to see this."

"Me too. This is the first one this year." They lay in silence starting up into the slowly darkening sky, listening to the crickets hum, waiting.

"Ooo! Look! The meteor shower is starting!" Tamar uses her free hand to point at the night sky, creating the perfect backdrop. for the shooting stars.

They huddle closer and Nadia whispers, "Make a wish." Tamar smiles and they watch the comets fly by.

Short StoriesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora