15 - Transform

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Prompt: Transform #14 into a dialogue. Use correct punctuation.

The muscular bartender sets a glass of water in front of the man in a tux sitting by himself. The man doesn't  even seem to notice so the bartender asks. "You seem lost in thought. Penny for your thoughts?"

Startled, the man looks up, "Nothing really. I met a lovely girl and asked her out. Even though she said yes, she's late." He reaches for the glass but doesn't drink.

Leaning on the bar top, the bartender says, "You try texting the lucky gal?" 

"Yes, but I've gotten no reply. My message wasn't even read." Sorrow creeps onto the mans face as he stares into the depths of the glass.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What does she look like? I could be your second pair of eyes." The bartender tries to console the man but he just looks more troubled.

"She has short, ruby red hair and a beautiful smile. Her eyes are a gorgeous sea  blue. She's absolutely stunning." Wistfully, the man describes her.

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