27 - Poem

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We had to write an Imagery Poem for Creative Writing. Here's mine. Hope you like it!

The Gala in the Sky

Two lay on the rock hard ground,

Staring at the ceiling, a domed roof of sky.

Peace lay as a blanket over the still night air.

The sky held stars that danced like fireflies,

While the moon floated through as a balloon

Released by a child who made a wish.

Two danced on the ice slick grass along with the gala in the sky.

In the band, crickets played the chimes with the wind whistling a tune.

Frogs played the drums,

And owls sang to the music played for them.

Coyotes backed the singer's up with their echoing howls

All to make the gala in the sky and on the ground a magical evening.

Trees like pillars surrounded the meadow

And the grass danced to the whistling wind.

No longer were the couple dancing alone,

They had joined in the gala in the sky.

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