10 - Crisis

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Prompt: In moments of crisis, the brain perceives events as happening in slow motion. Choose a moment of crisis and describe it in slow motion.

Sound muffles as her head sinks under the lapping waves. Nothing reaches her ears but the soft thrum of her heart. Fish glide past and seaweed dances at her feet. The water slows with time and all is at peace for ten beautifully long seconds. Then she can't breath and her lungs complain from the lack of oxygen. Her mouth and brain fight for the right to breath or not. Her limbs fight the current holding her down, keeping her in it's bed, trying to make her sleep. The color of the world around her fade, her limbs get heavier, and her hair makes a ringlet around her head. A mermaid never looked as pretty. The ocean found her delicate as a lilac and rare as a pearl. It wanted to keep her ever in it's grasp.

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