24 - Wedding

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Prompt: You're at a wedding when all of a sudden a strange woman attacks the bride, screaming. Describe what happens through the first-person viewpoint of someone from the South. 

The bells sound as the union of these two fine people are about to be happily joined together in 'holy matrimony'. I've seen this happen five times so far. My best friend stands at the alter with her sixth husband, looking super happy, thinking this is the one. She's been pushed away so many times before, so I hope this is the last time I have to set foot in a church for a wedding. I hope this is her last marriage. I try to be happy for them, I want her to be happy more than anythin' but I can't help worryin'.

"Does anyone object to their union? Speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest declares. A woman in the back stands up.

"I object," She is calm and composed and looks my bestie in the face. I recognize the girl speakin'. Where do I know her from. The lady walks down the isle, cool as can be, and stands incredibly close to the bride to be(hopefully). "I've been at every one of your weddings. You look happy on the platform every time. I can tell, you think this is going to be the last one. It never is. It never is!"

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