12 - Admiration

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Prompt: Who do you admire(or someone you know)? Describe his or her physical and abstract qualities in detail.

I chose one of my friends.

Her windswept, frizzy hair is almost always tied up. No matter how hard I try, something about her always forces a smile to play across my lips. The ball of energy hidden in her deep blue-green eyes is like that of a puppy. Music runs in her veins and she is one of the most extroverted of the introverts I know. She is bashful as a cautious dog but as you get to know her, she becomes more open. Even in her shy moments, there is an aura of energy around her. Swimming is her pride and joy and the one thing she can't do at the moment. No matter how physically weak she is, it is her strength to keep going that I love the most about her.

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