4 - Love Letter

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Prompt: Write a love letter to an old flame. Include the words politician, nuclear, exoskeleton, oceanography, umbrella, refrigerator, and masking tape.

Dear ______,

Remember the times we spent together? When you would hold the umbrella for me in the rain? You would encourage me and do most anything. But then you chose to be a politician. You wore it like an exoskeleton. I thought it was weird. I didn't like it. I thought it would interfere with our relationship and brought up that fact. You did not listen and I was right. I thought you would join the movement to use nuclear weapons to get your way. I was right. I guess I should have known that something like this would happen. You were studying the law, me, the ocean. You might be happy to know that I achieved my dream of going into the field of oceanography. Then again, you may not. I'm still waiting to hear about your fall from grace in the political world because it's going to happen. It always does. I'm waiting, watching the news in my small apartment with my broken refrigerator held together with masking tape

Waiting for it to all fall apart.

Your ex

She sends the letter without looking over it. She wrote her heart and soul into that letter before sitting down and watching the news.

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