A Rose

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Thanks again for reading my story! You can find the image board for this chapter on my Wattpad/Instagram account called miraculous_mxngo. There was a small reference to another cartoon that I love, hope some of you get it ;-). I wasn't sure how to feel about this chapter but I hope you like it!


Every night after an Akuma, Ladybug and Chat did an evening patrol, just in case the victim got akumatized again. Crime rates also rose the night of an attack so they made sure everything was fine. They would meet on the Eiffel Tower, search the city together and talk for a while. Chat was usually a few minutes early and today was no different. Ladybug swung in to land beside her leather-clad partner waiting patiently for her. At the sound of her feet, Chat turned around and grinned at the bug-hero. “Good evening, Ladybug.” He bowed dramatically but Ladybug only frowned.

“Come on, Chat, let's just get patrol done.”

He looked up at the tone in her voice and watched her fly off without him. “Strange. She normally waits for me and at least tells me to stop joking around. Maybe she’s upset about something. I hope it’s not that boy she’s liked all this time.” He followed her hastily and they began patrol. While they would usually banter and joke around, tonight was silent and tense. They were finished patrol within half an hour.

At their arrival on the Eiffel Tower, Chat took Ladybug’s hands and looked into her eyes. “Follow me, Bug.” She was startled by the serious look in his eyes but swung after him. A few minutes later, they arrived at a candlelit roof nearby. Rose petals were scattered around and there was a basket next to a black blanket. Ladybug was surprised about how much effort he seemed to have put in. Chat grabbed the basket, sat on the blanket and patted next to him for Ladybug to sit. She sat down and rested her head on his shoulder. Chat began tentatively, “Ladybug-”

“Are we good, Chat?”

She spoke so quietly, Chat strained to hear her. “What?”

Ladybug sighed heavily and turned to face her partner. “I just feel like we’ve kinda been growing apart.”

“What do you mean?” Chat asked.

“For starters, you barely joke around in fights anymore, which I miss a lot. You also don’t call me ‘M’Lady’ anymore, and you seem to be into every other girl!” she stated angrily. “Like today, when you carried that Dominique and allowed her to kiss your cheek and kissed her hand! Don’t you love me anymore?” She crossed her arms and turned around. “I sound so pathetic and petty right now…”

Chat was astonished. “She really does like me back. After 3 years, I never thought I’d be so reluctant to hear those words.” He walked over to the woman he’d been in love with for so long and turned her around. “I promise you, Ladybug, I will never stop loving you.” Marinette was shocked by the sincerity in his eyes and could only stare. Chat let go of her shoulders and faced the skyline. “I did bring you here for a reason,” he slowly said. “I’m not in love with you anymore. I’ve found someone else.”

Ladybug was taken aback. “Wow… he really has moved on. I should be happy for him I guess…” “Who’s the lucky girl? Or boy?”

Chat chuckled and replied jokingly, “I don’t swing that way, M’Lady. The girl is...Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” The spotted heroine forgot how to breathe for a moment.

“In and out, Marinette. You can do this." “Isn’t she the klutzy bakery girl?

Chat looked back at Ladybug incredulously. “How can you say that? She’s kind, compassionate and so caring to everyone!” He remembered Chloé and Lila and corrected himself. “Almost everyone. She’s talented, hilarious and adorable. She’s so brave and always looks out for people. She even stands up to bullies when no-one else does. And, my god, she is beautiful. Her hair always looks flawless and her eyes are like sapphires. She’s so small and cute, like a mouse.”

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