A Date

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New chapter, chicas! I was actually on time today! (yay!) I hope you enjoy this one, it took me a while to write but I got there eventually! Thank you for all the sweet comments, they make me smile so much! Some of you have wondered how Adrien will react to Mari's feeling but there is going to be a twist so be prepared! Thanks for reading!


The next morning, the girls woke up at around 11, having stayed up late painting each other’s nails and reading loads of Harry Potter crack-fics. Deciding to take quick showers before brunch, they were upstairs for another 45 minutes. By the time they had gone downstairs to eat, Sabine and Tom were working in the bakery. Marinette whipped up some pancakes while they talked about whatever came to their minds. After brunch, they went back to Marinette’s room and watched teen rom-coms on Alya’s Netflix. Time flew by and before the girls knew it, it was 14:00.

Marinette was dreading what Alya would do to prepare her for her date. Her fears were confirmed when Alya asked, “Marinette, where is your coffee? And your cocoa? And honey and cucumbers?”

Reluctantly, she told the brunette where they were and warned her, “Don’t do anything too drastic Alya. Meet me upstairs when you finish making your potion.” About 5 minutes later, Alya popped out of Marinette’s hatch, arms laden with all the foods she had requested.

“Ok! We’re gonna make a rejuvenating face mask to smoothen your porous skin - no offence or anything.” Marinette rolled her eyes and gestured for Alya to continue. “It may seem kinda cliché but were also going to put cucumbers on our eyes.”

“Kinda cliche? That’s probably the most cliché thing you could do!”

“Whatever! Do you want your face to be radiant or not?” Marinette rolled her eyes but complied, allowing Alya to work her magic. The sensation of the coffee-honey-cocoa face mask wasn’t entirely unpleasant and the cooling of the cucumbers felt quite nice. She never really got the chance to pamper herself, even as the akumas started running out. It honestly felt nice to be taken care of. Ten minutes later, Alya wiped off the face mask and asked excitedly, “Ok, how do you feel? Nauseous? Faint? Is your face burning up? Do you feel like your insides are about to spontaneously combust?”

“What did you put on my face?” Marinette exclaimed, an alarmed look on her face.

“Oh, nothing. There just may have been some… unideal side-effects. If you’re feeling fine, then it’s cool. Do you know where you’re going?”
Marinette thought for a second and replied, “No, he didn’t mention it. I guess he wants to surprise me.”

“I think your best bet is semi-formal. What’ve you got to wear?” Marinette got up and pulled out her favourite jeans and comfy sweater from her closet.

“How about this?”

“Marinette, Marinette, you clueless lemon,” Alya groaned. “This is a full on ‘Netflix-bingeing’ outfit! Aren’t you supposed to be the fashionable one here?”

“I know, I know. I haven’t been on a date since I was with Luka so I guess I’ve kinda lost my touch,” she mumbled back.

“Ok, leave the clothes choosing to me.” Alya spent close to 10 minutes throwing clothes out from Marinette’s closet, making two piles: ‘are you utterly insane?’ and ‘why have I never seen this gorgeous piece of art?’ When she was done rejecting the majority of the clothes, Alya dug through her good pile and began matching tops and skirts and trousers. In the end, Marinette had 3 choices: a white jumper with confetti sprinkles and blue jeans; a red half-sleeved dress or a white striped long-sleeved shirt and a black skirt.

“Umm, I’ll go with the dress, I think,” she nervously decided.

“You think?” Alya asked incredulously. “Marinette, you have to be feeling it completely! Do you want it or not?””

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