Meeting The Prince🏈👑

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"No way, you're that singer, Parker Adams." Tyreek stepped aside and Parker was brought face to face with the MVP quarterback himself, Patrick Mahomes.

"That's me." Parker smiled, then it faltered. "I mean, unless I'm her clone and I came to take over the world with my... awesome dance moves."

Parker awkwardly hit the woah, causing everyone to laugh. "You got a sense of humor, too, don't ya?" Patrick chuckled. "You're chill."

"No, I'm Parker." She held out her hand. "And it is pretty cold here."

"Always cracking them jokes." Tyreek crossed his arms.

"Hey, what do you say you guys come to Disney with me?" Patrick asked. "I said if we won the Superbowl, I'd go to Disney."

"We'd love to, but it's your trip, you should go." Tyreek shook his head.

"No, I don't want to be alone." Patrick pressed. "I insist."

"I'll go." Parker raised her hand. "If I'm gonna get the chance to meet my idol I'll sure jump right on it."

"Who's your idol?" Patrick asked.

"Olaf." Parker nodded confidently.

Patrick laughed and slung his helmet over his shoulder. "Well, it was nice meeting you, but I'd better get going." He smiled one last time before going the other way to do interviews.

The first interviewer came up to him and ten different microphones were in his face. "Here I am with the MVP, Patrick Mahomes. Can you tell us how you felt before that comeback?" The interviewer asked.

"I was nervous, I really was." Patrick said. "But my good friend, Tyreek Hill, said his best friend was in the stands and that pushed me to work harder. She's like my favorite singer and Tyreek said if we pulled off the win, I could meet her."

"Well, did you meet her?" The interviewer asked.

"I did." Patrick nodded.

"What do you think about her?"

"She's really sweet and super funny." Patrick said. "From what I picked up, she's that person who laughs at a joke she thought of during a funeral. She seems like a nice girl to get to know."

"Thank you, Patrick, we're gonna go talk to some other player while you rest."

"Thanks." Patrick walked off and he went to his car.


Parker finished packing her bags to go to Disney with Patrick. Tyreek came in her room while she was finishing up.

"Hey, I'm not gonna be able to make it, I have... stuff to do." Tyreek said. "I told Pat and he said it was fine."

"Okay." Parker shoved her phone in her pocket and slung her bag over her shoulder. "I guess it'll just be me and Pat. Aspen texted me and said she had a family thing tomorrow."

"That's fine." Tyreek awkwardly clapped his hands together. "Well, I'm gonna... you know... bye."

Tyreek shot out of Parker's room, leaving her confused. She finished packing and slung her bag over her shoulder.

Parker went to her 2014 Audi q7 and pulled out of her driveway. She drove down to the airport and left her car for Aspen to come pick it up. Aspen couldn't come with her because she had business.

Parker grabbed her bag and made her way in the airport. She went through security and waited for Patrick. He wasn't gonna be there for another twenty minutes, but she didn't want it to seem like she didn't care.

Parker always liked to be early. She felt as if people thought she didn't care about anything but her sports. That's why she was always early.

After what felt like a long time of looking at random passerby, checking her fans' DM's, and almost falling asleep, Patrick came in with more bags than he could handle.

"Oh!" Parker jumped up and ran to him. She grabbed a couple of bags and Patrick chuckled a little. Parker looked up at him and smiled. "What?"

"Nothing." He looked down and continued laughing.

"Patrick, tell me." Parker started giggling.

"It's nothing." He bared his teeth and snarled his nose.

"Um, Pat?"

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