A Bad Idea With a Good Outcome🏈💦

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Parker flopped down on her couch and sighed. "Home sweet home." She smiled.

"Not for long." Tyreek threw a couch pillow and it smacked her in the face.

"Why not?" Parker blew a piece of stray hair out of her face and pouted.

"Because." Tyreek grinned and pulled Parker up. "We're going rock climbing with Pat and Brittany."

"Alright, but you know Pat and I aren't supposed to be seen out with each other right?" Parker asked. She stood up and strolled into the kitchen to find food. "Plus I need to go shopping."

Parker tapped her chin and grabbed a bottle of wine that was stashed in the back of the fridge. Tyreek jumped up and ran in there, tearing it out of her hand.

"I heard what happened at the tea party." Tyreek smiled sarcastically and put the wine back in the fridge.

"Who would've told you?" Parker grinned coyly.

"I have my ways." Tyreek shrugged. "And you're coming with us because I know you two would find some way to see each other sooner or later."

"Your right." Parker sighed. "Can I have just one drink?"

"No." Tyreek put his hand on the small of her back and lightly pushed her out of the kitchen. "Don't wear anything that you don't want to die in!"

"Shut up!" Parker laughed, going in her room.

Parker and Tyreek met up with Patrick and Brittany at the parking lot in the park. They hiked to the huge rock wall and met with their trainer.

"Hi, guys, I'm Blaine." The guy said. He looked no older than twenty-five and Parker found him a bit attractive. He clapped his hands and his biceps flexed, causing Parker to almost fall over. "I'm going to be climbing this rock wall with you guys, so do you have any questions?"

"Do I have to climb?" Parker asked. "I'm kind of scared."

"We have this thing where you can be double harnessed." Blaine explained. "I could be harnessed right behind you and kind of attached to your harness."

"Ooh, can I do that?" Brittany stepped forward and raised her hand.

"Yeah, can we have the attached harness thing?" Patrick asked. Parker noticed Brittany rolling her eyes.

"Of course." Blaine pulled out two double harnesses from his little shack and looked from Parker to Tyreek. "Would you two like to double harness?"

"No, I've done this before." Tyreek shot Parker a look because he notice how Parker looked at Blaine.

"Alright, we can double harness." Blaine looked at Parker and she nodded. He handed Tyreek a single harness and walked to Parker. "So, I'm gonna demonstrate how to put on the harness with- what's your name?"

"Parker." Parker smiled.

"I'm demonstrating with Parker." He grinned. "So, first I'm gonna step in since I'm in the back."

Blain put the harness around his legs and loosened it where he needed and tightened where it fit him. He then put the straps around his shoulders and buckled them together.

"Alright." He said. "Now, I'm a little taller than you, Parker, so I'm gonna help you climb into your connected part."

Parker bit her lip and raised her leg to fit it in the harness. Blaine grabbed her waist and lifted her up a little causing her to gasp at how strong he was.

"Did I do something?" He looked over Parker's shoulder.

"No, you just surprised me a little." Parke shook her smiled off and finished getting into the harness.

"Alright, anything need tightening or loosening?" Blaine asked, buckling Parker's harness for her.

"No, I'm good." Parker squeaked. She was kind of off guard from being so close to an attractive guy.

Patrick and Brittany followed suit and Blaine waddled with Parker to hook everyone up to a rope.

"Alright, I want you to hold the rope the whole way up and use your feet to climb." Blaine instructed.

They all got set to climb and they started. Parker being Parker started whining halfway up.

"Are we there yet?" She layer her head back, forgetting Blaine was right up against her. She head bumbed him and he grabbed his head with the hand that had a hold of the rope.

Tyreek, Patrick, and Brittany stopped in their tracks when Parker screamed. She flailed her hands and she and Blaine fell close to the ground. It was a miracle when Parker caught the rope and gripped onto it. She breathed heavily and Blaine grabbed the rope. After profuse apologies and, "it's okay's", Parker and Blaine started up the rocks again.

When they got back to where the others had stopped, they kept going. Parker's legs were killing her, but she kept going. They eventually made it to the top. It kind of looked like they were on a plateau.

On the other side was a trail and Parker groaned. "Is that how we're getting off of here?" She dropped her arms and threw her head back.

"No," Blaine said. "We're going back down the way we came up."

"Good." Parker let out a breath of relief. "This is a nice view though."

"It is isn't it?" Patrick stood next to her and smiled down at her. Parker tried to avoid him, so she kept looking forward knowing very well he was watching her every move. "Those things you said the other day... did you mean them?"

"What things?" Parker crossed her arms and kept her eyes on the city of Tyler, Texas.

"The whole 'i like you', 'your nice', 'and pretty'?" Patrick used air quotes while telling Parker what she told him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Parker said. She didn't recall saying those things.

"Right, you were drunk." Patrick snapped his fingers in realization.

Parker got a little nervous when Patrick said that. She wasn't gonna deny it, but she wasn't gonna say it out loud either. Parker stood there until Patrick took it as a note to leave.

"Uh, hey." Blaine came up next to Parker with his hand on the back of his neck. "I-I was wondering if I could have your, your number."

"Oh, uh, yeah." Parker smiled, looking up.

They kind of awkwardly stood there until Parker realized what Blaine was waiting for. She giggled and pulled her phone out and handed it to him.

"I texted myself." He smiled, handing the phone back. "Thank you, Parker."

"You're welcome." Parker shifted her feet from her heels to her toes and looked off, biting her lip.

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