A Hot Childhood Friend🏈⚠

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"Welcome back to E!News, I'm your host, Allison DeWitt, and I'm sure you're gonna be surprised from what our reporters caught last night."

The video showed two of the pictures they caught of Parker and Patrick.

"Here you see rising singer, Parker Adams, and MVP Quarterback, Patrick Mahomes, at the park on 4th street." Allison said. "We believe they were on a late night date to hide the fact that Patrick was with Parker while he was dating his long time girlfriend, Brittany."

They showed a picture of Brittany and Patrick.

"Could Patrick be cheating on Brittany?" Allison asked. "And what does this mean for the young star and her love life. You heard it here first on E!News."

Parker turned her phone off and Patrick looked at her quizzically. "We can't be out together anymore." Parker said. "Only calls and texts. We can't even be seen going to each other's houses."

"What? No, that's not fair." Patrick said. "You're my best friend, how am I supposed to just cut you out of my life?"

"It's for the best." Parker explained. "That way Brittany has no reason to accuse you of cheating and my fans won't attack you."

"I don't care about the fans." Patrick pressed. "I want to be able to see my best friend."

"Patrick!" A door slammed shut.

"Shit." Patrick pushed Parker off his bed and she landed with a thud. "Sorry."

"It's fine." Parker quickly slid under the bed and Brittany slammed the door open.

"Are you cheating on me!?" Brittany screamed.

"Baby, no, Parker and I are just friends." Patrick panicked. "We were just going out as friends because she's leaving tonight."

"Oh." Brittany faked a smile. She wasn't losing her fame for being Patrick's girlfriend, so she has to let it slide even though she thinks he's lying. "Okay, I'm sorry for going off on you."

"It's fine." Patrick sighed a breath of relief and Brittany left. "You can come out now."

"Gee, that was weird." Parker chuckled, climbing back on the bed.

"Yea." Patrick laughed with her.

"Well, I'm gonna go." Parker got up and went to the door, but Patrick grabbed her wrist.

"So this is it?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, maybe we'll be reunited in the future and we can be friends again." Parker smiled sadly and went out to her car.

She drove to the airport and boarded her plane. She slept the whole way to Kingston and her old friend, Harrison, was there to pick her up.

Harrison was an actor from Kingston. He's more known for being best friends with Tom Holland. Parker grew up next to Harrison, but they were never really close. Parker found him on instagram and decided to reconnect with him. Fortunately, she was coming home, so he would be able to pick her up and they would meet again.

Parker climbed off the plane and went to baggage claim. She looked around, remembering that she hasn't seen the guy in about ten years. Parker pushed past a group of random people when she saw a sign with her name on it.

She looked up to see the young man holding it. He had those familiar, ocean blue eyes and blond hair. He wore clear rimmed glasses and a simple black t-shirt. When Harrison saw Parker he smiled and held his hand out for her bag.

"Blimey! Ten years did you good." He chuckled. "The fuck happened to me?"

"Thank you, Harrison." Parker smiled. "You don't look too shabby yourself."

Harrison walked Parker to his car and held the door open for her before getting in on his side. "You must be knackered, all that travelling." Harrison observed.

"Yes, I'm quite in dire need of a cuppa." Parker layed her head back. "It does feel amazing to be home."

Harrison pulled into Parker's parents' driveway and helped her to the door. He left shortly after Parker got her tea and went into the living room with her parents. She made small talk with them for a few minutes.

"So, Parker, tell us about this Patrick chap." Mr. Adams, Parker's dad asked.

"What's there to say about him?" Parker shrugged and took a sip of her tea. "I met him through Ty and we used to be friends."

"Used to?" Mrs. Adams sat up. "What do you mean used to? The post said you were out with him just last night."

"That's why we aren't friends anymore." Parker went on to explain everything to her parents and the nodded.

"Did you hear about the tea party Mr. Jones is having?" Mr. Adams asked. "He invited us when he heard you were coming in."

Parker's parents were what you would say, "old-timey." They made sure their last name would be remembered as elegant. When Parker had told them she wanted to be a singer they had their doubts, but decided to let her do it. Turns out they made the right choice.

"Alright, what should I wear?"

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