Drunken Words are Sober Thoughts🏈🍻

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Parker led Harrison to the dance floor and she raised her hands and jumped to the old folk music. Harrison laughed and danced along. Parker grabbed Harrison's hands and swung their arms.

"Let's get more drinks!" Parker shouted over the music. Before Harrison could stop her she was at the bar downing her fifth shot of the night.

"How about we chill from the drinks?" Harrison asked, taking the sixth shot from Parker.

"No." Parker slurred, taking the shot back and downing it. "Come on, live a little."

Harrison rolled his eyes and smiled. "Alright, but who's gonna take us home?" He asked.

"We can catch a cab." Parker shrugged.

"This is so daft." Harrison shook his head and drank.

The thing Parker doesn't know is that she's a truthful drunk. She's been able to drink since she was eighteen, so having five years of truth out of her system, it's not hard to tell more things she wanted to keep a secret.

Harrison and Parker ended up drinking like crazy. "Let's go dance again!" Parker grabbed Harrison's shirt and pulled him out to the dance floor once again.

Being drunk, Harrison gripped Parker's waist and pulled her up against him while they danced. Parker grinded her bum into his hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and Harrison buried his head in the crook of Parker's neck.

They dance for a long time like that until someone grabbed Parker's wrist. It was Will. He was looking for her and Harrison for a while.

"Parker, your mum has been looking for you for two hours!" Will hissed. "You were supposed to meet with my parents!"

"Let go of me." Parker pushed Will back and she started to fall forward, but Harrison caught her. "I know they're trying to marry us. It's been like that since the summer of 2009. I'm not marrying a pig like you."

"You can't marry Harrison!" Will laughed incredulously. "He's got nothing against me. I have lots of money and a huge mansion."

"I'm not gonna marry Haz." Parker rolled her eyes and got in Will's face. He grimaced as her breath smelled horribly of rum.

"Have you been drinking rum?" Will asked. "Do you know what your father would do if he found out you were drinking anything but white wine?"

"Leave us alone, Will." Harrison grumbled.

A loud gasp was heard from the door and Mrs. Adams came running in. "Parker, what have you done?" She scolded. "You have to meet William's mother and you're beyond pissed."

"I'm not pissed." Parker lied. "I'm Parker."

"Let's brush your teeth and get you a mint." Mrs. Adams helped Parker out of the pub and outside of the party venue. She took the water Will brought and forced Parker to drink it. "Can you please act like you're not hammered when we get in here?"

"Of course." Parker stood up and balanced herself out, the water barely helping any.

Parker put on her best smile and straightened her figure. She walked into the party next to Mrs. Adams. She went to Will's mom and curtsied.

"Why, you don't have to curtsie, Miss Parker." Mrs. Hatfield smiled. "I was wondering if you would be interested in taking my son's hand in marriage."

"Um, you know, I don't really want to." Parker shook her head. "I have someone else in mind, but that's not gonna happen, so I suppose I could marry him, but I won't because he cheated on me ten years ago."

Mrs. Adams cleared her throat and Parker kept on. "I don't really enjoy it when I'm lied to. Your son is a liar. He's a two faced cheater and a liar is a thief and a theif is a liar. Good day." Parker nodded and tried to go back to the pub.

"Let's get you home, yeah?" Harrison caught Parker before she could go in.

"Oh alright." Parker crossed her arms.

Harrison brought Parker to her house and sat her on the couch. "I'm gonna go grab you a bottle of water, alright?" He asked.

"Thank you." Parker smiled.

When Harrison left Parker got on her phone. She had a text from Patrick.

Are u sure we can't meet up when u get back

i wsnt ti bur i tink it bezt iv i sta away

Parker you're typing weird
Are u drunk


Should u be texting me when u r drunk

prolly nit

Alright Parker I'm gonna go to sleep
I'll text you in the morning

i like you
U r nize
And prety

Harrison came back with Parker's water and he handed her a blanket. "I'm gonna leave a couple of painkillers and head to my flat, alright?"

"Mhm." Parker cuddled with her blanket and fell into a deep slumber.

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