A Boring Tea Party and Another Plot Twist🏈🍺

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Parker wore a short, pink, skin tight dress and silver heels. She curled her hair into big curls and wore a soft glam makeup look. Parker tucked her hair behind her ear and went downstairs with her clutch.

"Oh, Parker," Mrs. Adams said. "I heard the Osterfields were gonna be there. Have you seen their son lately?"

"Yes." Parker nodded. "He picked me up from the airport this morning."

"Well that's delightful, honey." Mrs. Adams slipped her coat on and Parker followed her out to their car.

When they got to the party, Harrison was sitting outside. "Well, well, well." He chuckled.

"Good evening." Parker held her head high in front of her parents. "Would you care to escort me to the party?"

Harrison looked at Mr. Adams's hard look. "I'd be mighty obliged." Harrison straightened his tall figure and held his arm out.

Parker wrapped her arm around his and they walked together into the party. Parker noticed a few people going in. She saw her old nanny with a well-dressed man. She saw the woman who used to live across the road from her. Lastly, she saw the boy who couldn't stay off her lawn. She only reconized him because of his signature, slicked back hair.

"Oh, look, Will's here." Parker wispered and nodded towards her old squabble buddy who grew oddly tall over the years.

"Yea." Harrison chuckled. Parker watched in awe as the corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled. "His mum is the one hosting."

"Ah, Parker Adams." Will caught Parker and Harrison watching him, so he strolled over to them. "Such a surprise seeing you here. It's a shame your little boyfriend couldn't come."

"My boyfriend?" Parker went back to her act. "I've had no boyfriend since you."

"Oh you know," Will grabbed a glass of champagne from a man carrying a tray around. "MVP Quarterback of American Football."

He said that like it was illegal to speak of it. "Actually, Harrison is my boyfriend." Parker lied.

"Wh-" Harrison was cut off my Parker elbowing him in the ribs. "Yes, and we're quite happy together."

"Well, I can't say I didn't see this coming." Will said. "I-"

"William, would you like to meet my daughter?" A man by the name of Francis came up to Will. He pointed at a girl who was fangirling with her friends.

Will rolled his eyes. "Of course." He forced a smile. "Why not."

"Glad that's over." Parker sighed.

"You wanna go to a real party?" Harrison nudged Parker.

"Do I?" Parker laughed. "Of course."

Harrison grabbed Parker's hand and pulled her through a bunch of high class people. She reconized a few people, but didn't pay much attention to it. Harrison dragged Parker through a door into the cool, crisp air of Kingston. He pulled her through an alley and Parker felt her original self coming back.

"You trying to kill me?" She joked.

"Yea, just a little further and we'll let the rum do you in." Harrison grinned.

"Ooh, my favorite!" Parker squealed and sped up.

Harrison brought her into a small little pub that broke off from the alleyway. Walking in, Parker instantly smelled the sweet smell of rum. She got a little excited and they went to the bar.

"Two shots of your finest rum please." Harrison smiled.

"Two?" Parker laughed. "Can you bring us four please?"

"Four?" Harrison chuckled. "You sure you can handle that much."

"He's right." A random man beside Parker spoke up. "Ladies only drink two if they wanna get tipsy."

"Sorry, sir," Parker grabbed two of the shot glasses full of rum and threw her head back for both. "But I'm not a lady. I'm a woman."

The two guys watched in awe as Parker wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "I'm Nick." The guy said with his hand out.

"Parker." Parker shook Nick's hand.

Parker took one of Harrison's shots and drank it. "Hey that was mine!" He fake whined.

"Should've drank it faster." Parker wiped her mouth and grabbed Harrison's hand. "Let's go dance!"

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