Chapter One

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"You're ok. Open your eyes."

Rebecca drifted to consciousness. Flashes of pain arched through her body.

"Open your eyes."

The voice grew more insistent. Rebecca struggled to force her eyelids open, even the energy required to perform the simple action difficult to summon. Where am I? Images flashed across the backs of her eyelids. Explosions. The terrified faces of those around her. The interior of the craft trembling and beginning to break apart...

"Wake up!"

Rebecca's eyes finally flew open. She found herself looking into deep brown eyes framed with thick lashes. They look so familiar...she thought vaguely, still struggling to focus in the dim light.

"What's your name?"

Jarryd. Jarryd Denver. Rebecca's thoughts snapped into place and she felt her cheeks heat in a blush. She'd waited for him to notice her for so many years and now he was staring at her, all be it with a slightly frustrated look. His eyes hardened as she stared back at him without replying.

"What's your name?" he asked again, his tone bordering on impatience.

"Rebecca," she finally managed. He nodded, his eyes scanning her body.

"We need to get out of here. Can you move?"

Rebecca shifted in her seat and grimaced as her right arm sent sharp pains shooting through the rest of her body. She desperately tried to hold back tears. Jarryd didn't need her falling apart on him. Taking a deep breath, she tried to control her emotions.

"My right arm. I think it's broken or something."

Jarryd nodded then leant in. Rebecca caught her breath, then kicked herself when he reached for her seat belt release. His eyes met hers again as he gave her orders. Her body automatically followed, but Rebecca's mind was somewhere in the past.

Jarryd Denver. The star athlete of Hedgefield High. Despite the fact that he was completely out of her league, Rebecca had never been able to get rid of the butterflies that filled her stomach every time she saw him. He had been 2 years ahead of her, a senior, and the fantasy of every girl at the school. She'd watched him date girl after girl, secretly wishing he would notice her. But why would he? She spent her weekends helping out at animal shelters or volunteering at the nearby homeless shelter. She would rather spend her time buried in a good book than partying with the populars. Maybe if she'd looked a little more her age... She was so short people assumed she was a few years younger than she was, and the fact that her long, curly brown hair was most often in a single plait lying over one shoulder didn't help. Rebecca preferred practicality to fashion, especially since her hair only got in her way if she wore it down.

"Rebecca. You need to try to walk."

Jarryd's stern words dragged her back to reality. Looking up, she found herself leaning against Jarryd, his arm supporting her around her waist. Swallowing hard, she nodded and forced herself to focus on taking one step forward. Ignoring the pain, she leant into him again, secretly glad for a reason to remain close to him.

Step by step they made their way up the aisle of the space craft. Rebecca tried her best to ignore the bodies that filled the other seats. None of them moved. The sharp smell of blood and metal filled the air. Rebecca felt her stomach turn and bit her lip to stop the rising nausea. The body of the craft creaked ominously as they reached the open doorway.

Grabbing the edge with one hand, Jarryd helped her to manoeuvre through it. Rebecca squinted against the sudden light. Moving one hand in front of her face, she waited for her eyes to readjust. Slowly, the outside came into focus. A deep blue sky, almost navy in colour, yet with a bright yellow sun that illuminated the scene of the crash. It looks almost like the old Earth, Rebecca thought. Except that Earth only had one sun, she added to herself as the second sun came into view. This one was low on the horizon, and smaller than the first.

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