Chapter 29

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Rebecca lay on the bed, her armour poking her in the shoulder. Soon, she would be standing beside Jay. The tingly warmth had lessened since he'd left her in this room after their conversation the previous night. Last night...hadn't something else happened last night? Another face drifted into Rebecca's mind's eye. A face she couldn't quite put a name to. Ja...Jack? Jason? Rebecca struggled to clear her mind of the foggy, warmth smothering it.

"Rebecca? Jay would like to see you."

The woman stood at the door, head bowed in respect. Rebecca nodded and got up, following the woman through the beautifully decorated walls of Jay's war tent. She never would have thought Jay was such an important person. But he was. In charge. Of course, he was. Rebecca frowned again, not quite able to follow her own train of thought. It felt like she was missing something...

"Rebecca! All dressed, I see." Jay's blue eyes met hers and she felt the feeling drift away. She gave him a smile but didn't move to meet him. A slight frown creased Jay's brow. He stepped forward, laying a hand on her arm. Rebecca's body relaxed further as she let the warmth fill her again.

"Are you ready?"

Rebecca nodded. This was what she was meant to do. Fight for Jay. Jay knew what was best. He wanted to make the violence end. All they had to was...

"Clean up. This is just the clean up. You can't build a beautiful garden in a plot full of weeds."

Rebecca nodded again. That made sense. They needed a clean slate. And all the people that would die today...

"Will die for a better future for their children. What parent wouldn't sacrifice themselves for their child?"

Rebecca nodded, but something in the back of her mind didn't feel right. Faces. So many faces of people not much younger than her. All dressed up for battle. That wasn't right, was it?

"And you're the reason this planet will finally be at peace," Jay said softy, drawing her closer. "You're the strongest of them all..." his voice dropped so low that she barely heard him, "and you're all mine..." He pulled her in and the warm fog of nothingness slipped across Rebecca's mind, erasing the last of her uncertainties.

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