Chapter 21

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Jay was waiting for her.

"And?" His eyes shone eagerly.

"I don't think I broke any limbs."

Jay laughed out loud and stepped closer, his eyes asking for more details.

"He was running around me with his super speed. He kept trying to dart in and grab me. I don't think he knew I can extend my force field all the way around myself."

Jay smiled and motioned for her to continue. Rebecca felt a pang of guilt, but it was pushed away by a warmer, all encompassing feeling of vindication. She was stronger. She'd proved it.

"Then he just stopped and told me I couldn't fight with a defensive power. He was so...smug! So I blasted him."

Jay let out a laugh. Rebecca grinned. Jay didn't laugh very often.

"You blasted him! How far did he go?"

"He slammed into the fence. I think he kind of broke it."

Jay was right next to her now, looking down at her.

"Well, there's no way they can look down on you now. Because that's what they've been doing. They never thought you could do it. They never believed in you."

"But you did."

Jay broke into another smile. "That's right. I do. I don't think they're good enough for you. You're the strongest. You're the one that's going to end this war."

Rebecca smiled, the warm feeling cascading over her. That's all she wanted. To help her friends. To end the war.

"To be the strongest." Jay finished, his hand resting on her shoulder. 

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