Chapter 8

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Jarryd felt his stomach hit the floor. What kind of choice was that? Risk their lives fighting a war they had no part in or risk their lives on a planet they knew nothing about? Fighting the urge to swear, Jarryd turned around to face the others. They stepped closer, forming a tight circle, their expressions worried.


Michael shrugged. "There's no good choice."

"If we stay, at least we'll have food and a place to sleep," Victoria suggested, shooting a glance over her shoulder at Riley and Naytan standing close by.

"Yeah, and we'll get to fight a war that has nothing to do with us," Jarryd replied, his jaw tensing.

"There's no way we'll survive if we leave," Victoria argued.

Jarryd looked at Michael, who shrugged again. "I have to admit staying seems the easiest choice. We don't know what kind of creatures are out there. And we have no idea what's poisonous and what isn't."

"Maybe we could find someone to help us," Brian suggested quietly. Jarryd shook his head.

"You heard what the council said. If we don't agree, I don't think they'll be willing to let anyone help us."

"So we stay."

Jarryd glanced at Rebecca, surprised at the decisive note in her voice. She met his eye and nodded.

"They say Yasi Yoko is the smartest man on the planet. If anyone could find a way to get us back where we belong, it's him."

"Yasi who?" Jarryd felt his forehead furrow.

"Yasi Yoko. The Yokindrin." Jarryd shot her another blank look.

"The guy with the long ears," she explained, "Naytan told me." Jarryd resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"So we're agreed?" he asked the others, "We stay here. Maybe we'll be able to find a way out of this agreement before we have to fight. Or maybe they'll decide not to use us."

The others nodded and the circle broke up, turning to face the council again.

"We'll stay." Jarryd announced, ignoring the pit in his stomach that told him it was a bad idea. The soft murmuring that had filled the hall before gave way to a roar of voices. Several figures from the crowd pushed forward, their eyes heated with disapproval.

Seemingly undisturbed by the reaction, the man seated in the middle of the table nodded once then motioned towards an open doorway on the side of the hall. Within seconds Jarryd found himself whisked away, bumping elbows with Michael and Victoria as they squeezed through the doorway. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Naytan herding them from behind.

"Where are we going?" he asked. His voice came out a little harsher than he had intended and Michael raised an eyebrow at him.

"You'll be housed in the Council barracks. We have a few rooms open."

"And it would probably be a good idea if you stayed there for tonight. Some people won't be too happy about the risk we're taking letting you stay here," the commander added from in front of them.

"The risk you're taking?" Jarryd shot back incredulously. What about the risk they were taking in staying?

"It wouldn't hurt to get some sleep," Michael suggested quickly, obviously trying to avoid a fight. "After all, it's been kind of a rough day."

"Rough might be a little bit of an understatement," Jarryd replied.

"A little bit of an understatement might be a little bit of an understatement," Michael grinned.

Jarryd was saved a reply by a sudden stop.

"Jarryd, Brian, Michael. These are your rooms."

Jarryd stuck his head into the closest open doorway. The room was just large enough to fit a bed that looked like it was a foot too small for him and a wooden cupboard in one corner. A dusty window let in enough light to illuminate what looked like a clay floor.

"Homey," Michael commented.

"If you're a hobbit," Jarryd added, unable to hold in the sarcasm. Sometimes Michael's endless good moods just set him more on edge.

"It's not so bad. At least we don't have to share like the girls."

Jarryd turned back to face him and realised that Naytan had disappeared, along with Rebecca and Victoria.

"Where'd they go?"

"Weren't you listening? Their rooms are on the other side of the building."

Jarryd opened his mouth to object but stopped when he saw Michael shaking his head, a wry smile on his face.


"I think the best way to make sure we're all safe is to show a little trust. Maybe try not to make our hosts mad."

Jarryd growled but nodded. As much as he hated being forced into this ridiculous agreement, Michael was right. They would be safer if they could get the aliens to trust them. And keeping everyone safe was the most important thing he could do right now. Finding their way back to humankind might take just a little longer.

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