Chapter 32

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The look on Rebecca's face haunted Jarryd as he stood on the front-lines, waiting for the battle to begin. Flags waved in the breeze. Metal glistened in the sun. People spoke to him, but he didn't hear any of it. Rebecca would be here. Somewhere, in the approaching army.

And he was going to save her. No matter what it took.

Finally, the Barrenwell army forces crested the hill. Front and centre rode a golden chariot carrying two passengers. Even from so far away, Jarryd knew who they were.

As they got closer, he could make out more and more detail. Rebecca was dressed in the same armour as she had been when they'd seen her. She stood besides the man on the chariot, her long hair left loose and blowing in the breeze.

There was quiet muttering from their troops as some of them recognised Rebecca. Kendon Rai strode along the ranks, giving instructions and encouragement. To Jarryd, he simply nodded. Jarryd knew the plan already. Their job was to cause as much confusion in the other army as possible before they reached the real soldiers. Perhaps strike enough fear that they turned and ran. Jarryd highly doubted that would be the case, but the plan worked well with his personal one: to reach Rebecca, take out that man and find a way to fix her.

The other army were so close Jarryd could see individual soldiers faces when Kendon Rai gave the command.

"Now!" his voice boomed out.

Jarryd raced forward, heading for the rows of soldiers blocking his way to Rebecca. Michael and Victoria would be just behind him, using their abilities from a safer distance. Brian would be sneaking around the back, trying to take out enemy soldiers from behind and cutting off their escape. Speeding up, Jarryd put everything he had into his run. Just before reaching the first row, he bounced off something. Flying backwards, he twisted, hoping to land on his feet. Save a slight misstep, he succeeded.

"She's created a forcefield!" someone shouted. "We're can't attack them!"

"But they can't attack us either," Michael added, appearing beside Jarryd. "She's going to have to release the force field to let them fight. Get to Rebecca. We'll keep everyone else clear."

Jarryd nodded and started to thank him. A blast of energy knocked the words from his mouth and his feet from under him. The first couple of rows of their fighters went down like dominos, and the enemy soldiers raced forward. Swords flashed and cries rang out. Jarryd pushed himself out to find a man standing over him, sword raised. He went flying back just before he could strike. Jarryd turned in time to see Michael drop his hand and motion him forward.

Clenching his jaw, Jarryd flew forward. Bodies flew out of the way on either side of him. Holding out his arms as he ran, Jarryd took out rank after rank of soldiers on his way to Rebecca. Closer and closer. Jarryd focused his gaze on the chariot, his only aim to reach it and take out the man who had taken Rebecca.

Closer and closer. Jarryd gritted his teeth and sped up. The chariot appeared in front of him and he leapt, arms reaching for the man in the back. The smile on the man's face froze Jarryd's blood. His fingers cracked as they hit the invisible wall around him. His body's momentum carried him forward, his nose breaking against it before he rebounded and flew backwards.

"You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?"

Jarryd pushed himself up on his elbows, blood pouring from his nose. The pain was excruciating, but his anger was stronger.

"You're not going to win!" Jarryd shouted, forcing strength into his legs as he stood.

"Oh, I think I am. Rebecca?"

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