Chapter 9

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Rebecca rolled over and promptly fell off the bed. She sat up and rubbed her head.

"Where am I?"

As her eyes focused on the single shuttered window, her memories fell into place. Jesmire. Images of the crash flashed behind her eyes. She pushed them away. She had done enough crying the night before. Pushing herself up, she sat down on the narrow bed. Her outfit for the day hung over the chair in the corner of the room.

She was dressed in 5 minutes. Pushing her door open, she stuck her head into the corridor. The wing seemed deserted. What am I supposed to do now? she wondered, uneasy at wandering the building alone. Maybe the others are awake. She crept into the corridor and knocked on the door of the room next to hers, straining to hear Victoria. No one replied. She paused, then turned the handle and peered into the room. It was empty.

Closing the door again she frowned. Surely Victoria would have told her if she was going somewhere. Unsure of where Michael, Jarryd and Brian's rooms were, she turned to go back into her own. Maybe I should just wait until someone comes to call me... Shaking her head, she squared her shoulders. Or maybe I should stop hiding in my room and go find the others. I'm not a little kid. I can look after myself.

Despite her self-talk, she jumped at every noise she heard as she made her way down the corridor. Come on, Rebecca! There's nothing to be afraid of! Taking a deep breath she strode forward...and straight into a figure rounding the corner. Arms and legs flew in every direction as they both tried to stay upright. Rebecca winced as something crashed. She looked down to see what looked like pink porridge covering two large, strangely elongated feet.

"I am so sorry!"

Looking up, she sent the owner of the feet a smile.

"No, it was my fault!"

She paused as she took in the four arms laden with plates and bowls. The Plette looked down at her, his golden brown eyes overshadowed by bushy eyebrows. Rebecca held back a grin at his pudding bowl hair cut and the belt struggling to fit around his considerable waist.

"No, no, no! I'm just in such a rush! So much to do!"

"Can I give you a hand?" Rebecca offered, trying not to giggle at the irony.

"Oh no, don't worry! I'm sure you're much too busy."

Rebecca shook her head and grabbed a few plates and bowls. "Don't be silly."

The man blushed and shifted the remaining plates, glancing down at the broken one.

"And that's the second this week..."

Rebecca grinned, waiting for him to walk away. Instead he remained, staring at the porridge on the floor and heaving great sighs.

"Where are we going to?" she finally asked, the food beginning to weight down her arms.

"Oh yes! This way!" The man led the way back down the corridor, towards one of the doors at the end, speaking continuously.

"There's just been so much to do! I told them I needed some extra help but do they listen? No! Poor Francol just has to work and work and work and then I get into trouble for dropping plates but I say there's only so much 4 arms can handle! It's not like I have two heads like my cousin Jimmy! And then there's these humans! Another 5 mouths to feed and how must I know what humans eat? I'm just waiting for one of them to disapprove of the food and come into the kitchen shooting their laser eyes at me!"

Rebecca stifled the laugh that threatened to escape her and followed Francol through what looked like a mess hall to a table in one corner.

"Rebecca! I see they have you at work already!"

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