Chapter 16

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Jarryd watched Rebecca disappear between the trees, a tiny knot of guilt forming in his gut. The knot tightened as he saw the expression on Michael's face.

"What?" he shot at him defensively.

"You could have handled that...a little better," Michael replied carefully.

"You think she should fight?"

"I don't know but I do think she should try and work out how her gift works. It's part of her..."

"What's the point if she's not going to fight? If we encourage her to work on it she'll just get herself into trouble."

Michael stood silent for a moment.

"Why don't you think she should fight?"

Jarryd felt his jaw clench. "She's way too young to be fighting in some war."

"She's 16. Only a year younger than I am."

"That's different. She's..."

"A girl?" Michael interrupted. "Victoria's a girl and you don't seem to have a problem letting her fight."

"Well Victoria can handle it!"

"I think Rebecca is stronger than you think." Jarryd glared at Captain Maison's interruption. "You have to be back at the Council Building for a briefing on the history of the war and other relevant information. We should leave now."

"What about Rebecca?"

The Captain's mouth tilted up on one side. "I think she's heard most of it from Naytan. She'll come back when she's ready."

Typical. Once again, Rebecca managed to be one step ahead of the rest of them. Jarryd growled his impatience then followed the Captain and Michael back to the city. The girl had an amazing ability to find friends wherever she went. Maybe it would be a good idea to take her to the battle. She'd probably end up in peace talks and they wouldn't need to fight at all.

When they reached the Council Building they were led into a smaller hall and introduced to another of the long-eared, bald variety of alien. Haimeer's official title was "legend keeper". Probably a glorified version of a librarian. Rebecca was probably already on first name basis with him. Jarryd kicked himself for thinking about her again and focused on the legend keeper.

"A long time ago a tribe of the first Dysantylls crossed the Plymouth Plains and discovered the Misselhorn River. They formed the first of what are now known as the Eastern Tribes. Over time, these tribes grew to include travellers of different species, including Yokindrin, Plettes and Lishwea."

"Wait. We don't even know what those species are." Jarryd interrupted, his lack of knowledge beginning to grate. Haimeer nodded, a strange smile on his lips.

"Perhaps a short background of each species is necessary before we continue. You have already met Naytan, a Dysantyll. We have yet to discover any differences between Dysantylls and humans, besides the lack of...special abilities. I am Yokindrin. We act as guardians of history and legend. Plettes came to this land from Myrtillia, beyond the sea, and have any number of extra limbs or heads. Lishwea have specially developed mouth and vocal chords that allow them to sing at ultrasonic pitches. They are also the keepers of music."

Jarryd nodded, thinking about the woman on the Council with the huge lips.

"Now, Jesmire was founded by Jessaridian Creed, an exile from the Eastern Tribes. When she was banished, a number of loyal friends from different races joined her. They made their way through the Forbidden Forest, crossed the Halsteen River then followed the Misselhorn and settled here, in the present location."

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