Chapter 15

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Time passed in a blur of colour, punctuated by magnificent views from various places around Jesmire. It had taken a week of practice and experimentation, but now Jarryd found he could move more accurately over shorter distances and his blurred world had limited itself to the field.

His super strength could still use a little work. Jarryd still found himself accidently breaking door handles, or simply ripping doors off their hinges. It was like once he'd turned on the strength he couldn't turn it off.

They'd spent every day like they were now - in the fields beyond Jesmire, working on their abilities. Despite his worries about the upcoming war, Jarryd relished the work. Besides, the better they could control their abilities, the more likely it was they could escape if they needed to. If it wasn't for the fact that they knew absolutely nothing about the planet, he would have suggested escape already. With his super speed and strength he could probably get them all far away before any aliens noticed.

Maybe Brian's research wouldn't be a complete waste. The more they learnt about the planet, the better their chances were of surviving.

"Fancy a game?" Jarryd grinned at Michael's question and the hand sized rock he held in his hand.

Tossing the rock into the air, Michael shot it forward, one hand directing its movement. Pushing off, Jarryd's world became a blur once more, his eyes searching for the rock. There it was, in the corner of the field. Reaching out a hand, he almost grabbed it when it flew out of reach. Jarryd grinned again, relishing the challenge. He barely missed it three more times before he finally grabbed it. Coming to a halt, he held it up to Michael who gave him a pretend round of applause.

Jarryd couldn't help watching the couple standing behind Michael. Rebecca and the Captain. She was probably listening to more alien propaganda. He shook his head and refocused.

"Play again?" he asked, preparing to toss the rock back into the centre of the field. As it left his hand, Jarryd knew he'd made a mistake. The rock moved through the air as a blur, heading straight for Captain Maison and Rebecca at the other end of the field. He froze. He hadn't meant to throw it so hard. If he couldn't stop it....


The world seemed to move in slow motion. Jarryd took a step forward, hoping to catch up to the rock before it reached them, but it was already nearly there. The rock zipped through the air, heading straight for the back of Captain Maison's head. Jarryd opened his mouth to shout again. At that moment, Rebecca saw it. Her eyes widened. A feeling of inadequacy and guilt filled Jarryd as he watched her throw out a hand to warn Captain Maison. It seemed to move so slowly as the rock flew so fast, a missile headed straight for its target...

Suddenly, the rock bounced backwards, hurtling back towards Jarryd. It whipped past his head and into the trees behind him. Jarryd pulled to a stop a few feet away from Rebecca, his heart racing wildly. That must have been Michael. Glancing back, the shocked look on Michael's face told him different. Victoria? No, she and Brian had disappeared to a different field to work on their powers. That left...


Her eyes were still squeezed shut, her hand stretched out to meet the oncoming object. Captain Maison met Jarryd's eye, his own eyes wide. Reaching out, he placed a hand in the air. Frowning slightly, Jarryd saw him push, as if against an invisible wall. As Rebecca opened her eyes, his hand fell forward.


"What happened?" Her shaky voice was quiet.

"I think we may have found your power," the Captain replied, studying his hand and the place the wall had been.

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