Chapter 31

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Rebecca confused thoughts floated in and out of the warm fog that clouded her mind.

It was time to fight. It was her job to protect Jay. Nobody could hurt him. He was going to make the world better. They were going to clean out the weeds...weeds...a garden. She'd spoken to someone in a garden. Or underneath a tree. Jay. No, not Jay. Someone else. A face...he'd looked at her like he knew her. Jay knew her. He knew her better than anyone. Even...that face again. Who was he?

The face slipped away from her again. Five minutes later, she'd forgotten she even remembered it.

Swords, shields, animals, people, the sound of steel being sharpened. Jay beside her, smiling at her. The chariot. Jay beside her, telling her what to do. The twin suns in the sky, shining down happily. The sun shouldn't be shining when so many people were going to die. She didn't want people to die. But they had to die. They had to clean out the weeds. Clean out the weeds for the flowers. The beautiful flowers...

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