Chapter 17

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"Rebecca? Can I come in?"

Rebecca sat up on her bed. The door swung open and Riley entered, closing the door behind him.

"Have you come to talk me out of fighting too?" Rebecca winced at the bitterness in her voice. Riley had done nothing to her, besides keep quiet while Jarryd decided to order her around, but the hurt she felt wouldn't fade away. Riley shook his head, quietly taking a seat in the chair across from her.

"No. I've come to help. If you want to learn how to control your power, then I want to help you. I think we'll need you before the end."

Rebecca's heart leapt. "You really want to help me?" Riley smiled at her and she felt a new sense of excitement. "When do we start?"

"Right now, if you're up for it. We just need to find a place to practice, and I think I know just the place."

Riley stood up and motioned for her to follow him. They walked through the corridor and out of the Council Building, making their way through the busy streets of Jesmire. People nodded respectfully as Riley passed and stared at her curiously. Rebecca tried to smile at them but found herself feeling like a bug under a microscope. Seeing a two-headed Plette's eyes widen as she saw her, Rebecca giggled. Funny how, on an alien planet filled with species with blue skin, green skin, multiple heads or arms and crazily developed ears and mouths, she was the one considered strange. Riley led her out of the city and out into the fields surrounding it, finally reaching what looked like a round barn at the edge of the farming area.

"This used to be my uncle's storehouse. No one uses it anymore, so we shouldn't be seen by anyone."

"Why doesn't your uncle use it anymore?"

"He...passed away a while ago. Actually, he was killed by an army from Barrenwell."

Rebecca mentally kicked herself. "I'm sorry."

Riley shrugged. "Don't worry about it. Let's get to work."

Rebecca nodded, watching the pain flicker in his eyes. No matter how much time went past, it always hurt. Speaking about someone who had died before their time. Setting her jaw, she thought of all the people who shared Riley's experience. Ever since hearing about Vyllania's past, she'd found herself wondering how many others had similar stories.

That's what Jarryd could never understand. A surge of annoyance flooded her veins. She tried to push it away, to change her anger at him into pure determination. She needed to fight. She knew how it felt, and this time she could do something to help. She could get revenge for all those who had suffered because of Barrenwell, those who had lost loved ones and watched their lives crumble. He was fighting because he had no other choice. She chose to fight.

Tuning back in to Riley, Rebecca pushed away the thoughts and focused. He was giving her a chance to prove herself. She wouldn't let him down.

"We've tried to physically recreate the situation in which you created the force field, but that didn't seem to work."

She rubbed the purple bruise on her arm absentmindedly. "You can say that again."

"So maybe what we need to do is recreate what happened inside you. What were you thinking, when you saw that rock coming towards you?"

Rebecca sighed. She tried to think back to that moment but hit a blank. Growling softly at her failure, she shook her head.

"I was thinking...I don't know what I was thinking! I don't think I was thinking! I just saw that rock flying at your head and my body moved by itself."

"But you must have been thinking something. Jarryd's explained how he accesses his power and it seems that he's able to enter a different state of mind, almost."

Rebecca felt her anger flare. Somehow, everything always ended up being about Jarryd. He didn't even care about people and they still held him up as some kind of paragon of humanity.

"Your power should work the same way."

"Says who?" Rebecca interrupted, her anger rising. "Just because Jarryd says it works that way, doesn't mean it does! He doesn't know everything!"

Riley put out a hand, trying to calm her down. "I know, but it makes sense. You're both human so your powers should work the same way." He paused and looked at her. Rebecca thought she could see a glimmer of pity in his eyes.

"You need to stop blowing up or breaking down every time you hear something you don't like. It's not going to help convince Jarryd you're strong enough to fight."

"Blowing up? Breaking down?" Rebecca heard her own voice grow louder and louder but didn't try to control it. "I have been as strong as any of the others! I don't need to prove anything to him!"

"Rebecca..." Ignoring Riley, Rebecca took a short step forward, her cheeks heating. Anger bubbled through her veins, the heat rushing into every cell in her body. It pushed at her skin, trying to break free. Abandoning the last of her self-control, she shouted, "If you're only helping me because you feel sorry for me, then I don't want your help! Just!"

A rush of heat exploded out from her. Riley flew backwards. Rebecca watched, eyes wide, as he smashed into the wall of the shed behind him. He crumpled to the floor, eyes closed.

Silence fell. All Rebecca could hear was her own heavy breathing. All of a sudden, her body went cold. What had she done? Letting out a cry of alarm, Rebecca rushed to Riley's side and slid her fingers under his collar to feel his pulse. It was slow but strong. She let out a sigh of relief and sank down beside him. What had just happened? Rebecca swallowed hard. She knew it had been her. The anger had simply built up until she could no longer contain it and then...She felt her body shudder involuntarily. Despite the horror that had filled her as she watched the effects of her power, she had felt something else as well, something that scared her more than being trapped on an alien planet or not knowing if she would survive the war that was coming. She had felt happy. Happy that Riley had got what he deserved. Happy that he wouldn't be able to argue with her again.

Shoving the feeling out of her mind, Rebecca focused on the guilt she now felt. A low moan interrupted her mental confusion. She let out a deep breath as Riley's eyes flickered and his hand flew to his head.

"Riley? Are you ok?"

Riley cleared his throat and tried to sit up. Rebecca quickly grabbed his arm to give him some support, her guilt increasing as she saw blood drip from the back of his head.


Rebecca swallowed hard. Riley's eyes met hers and she bit her lip, not wanting to admit the truth.

"That was you."

Rebecca nodded once.

"I'm so sorry, Riley! I didn't want to hurt you! I just...I got so angry and it just kept building and building until..."

She trailed off and waited for Riley to react, her throat and chest tightening in fear.

Riley put a hand to the back of his head and stared at the blood on his fingertips for a few moments before looking up. One side of his mouth tilted upwards as he replied, eyes slightly wide.

"So I guess the next time I disagree with you I should find a helmet first."

Guilt washed over Rebecca and she looked away to hide the tears gathering in the corners of her eyes.

"Then again, no army from Barrenwell is going to stand a chance against us with you on the team."

Turning back to Riley, Rebecca saw him grinning mischievously. Swallowing her guilt, she forced a smile on her own face. Riley was right. After Jarryd claimed she would only be a liability in a battle, she could be the strongest of them all. Her smile deepened. Now she could prove that she wasn't useless. Now she could show Jarryd just how wrong he was about her. 

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