Chapter 27

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Rebecca ran. Her mind raced with thoughts and images. Her parents' accident. Identifying their bodies. The blood. The rain. The mangled car. Jarryd.


He had been there when they'd died. Even through the shock, Rebecca didn't blame him. He hadn't been driving. Yes, he'd been stupid, but he'd also tried to save them. If he could have just held on a little longer...but no, the past was set in stone. Finding someone to blame wouldn't bring her parents back. Rebecca had wallowed in that particular mud pit of thought for months before she'd realised it was pointless.

But Jarryd?

Rebecca finally let her legs give out and collapsed in the grass. They'd only just started getting on. Rebecca had even thought she could see something more in his eyes when he looked at her. Now, everything would change. He'd be back to thinking she was delicate and weak. Or worse, that he needed to make up for what he'd done. Her tears now were more for the ruined chance of a relationship than her parents' death. You couldn't base a relationship on guilt.



His hand rested on her arm.

"You shouldn't have to go through this." His voice was quiet. Rebecca felt the tension in her release a little. Jay would know how to make her feel better. He always knew exactly what to say.

"You can stop this."

Rebecca's head shot up.


"You can stop this," Jay repeated, his blue eyes shadowed in the fading light. "No-one else cares. They haven't even tried. But you can do it."

"Stop the war?"

"Stop the death. These people don't have to die. No-one has to ever again."

"How?" Rebecca felt her thoughts receding, chased away by Jay's overwhelming suggestion.

"The strongest person makes the rules, Rebecca. And you're strong. The strongest. All you need to do is prove it."

The idea sprouted in Rebecca's mind, its roots already deeply embedded.

"They won't listen to me."

"Then make them listen."

"I can't do that alone."

"Don't worry. I'll help you. I know some people."

"Some people?"

"People who want to meet you. They want to help. They don't want death. They just want peace, and someone strong in charge."

Rebecca nodded slowly. They did need someone strong in charge. Someone who could make sure that no-one had to suffer like she had.

"The people of Jesmire, they're not strong. Their leaders are weak. Think about how they've used you. All they care about is killing their enemies."

Rebecca frowned. Something about that didn't seem quite right. She glanced at Jay who smiled back at her. No. Jay was right. She was being used as a weapon. What type of people used a bunch of teenagers to fight their war for them?

"They only see you as a weapon. But I know you're capable of so much more. You could lead a new people. United. No war, no death."

"No war, no death." Jay's words echoed in her mind, bringing with them the cloud of warmth they always did. A warmth that smothered every other thought.

"All you need to do is come with me. If you help us, we'll be able to end the killing forever. Once those who crave war are gone, we'll be able to set up a brand new society. A perfect one. Where everyone is protected."

Rebecca nodded, the warmth flooding through her body now. The tips of her fingers tingled at the feeling. Jay put out a hand and helped her up.

"We don't want anyone to worry, so we'll leave them a letter. Here – I'll tell you what to say."

Rebecca nodded again, her eyes locked on Jay's. It felt good to give away control. The warmth filled her, moving her hand and directing her thoughts. In just a little while, she would be on the other side. And she would help them to get rid of everyone who wanted to fight and kill. And then there would be no more killing.

Tomorrow it would end. 

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