Chapter 18

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Just as I round the corner and the cafe comes into view, I stop dead in my tracks. There, walking out of the cafe where I am about to meet Alexei, is Mr. Giovanti.

Well, we're finished.

I force my feet forward before anyone notices my rudeness, extending my hand to Mr. Giovanti as I reach him.

"A pleasure seeing you here Mr. Giovanti," it takes all the energy I have to smile when I want to cry. "What brings you to our part of town?"

That was very forward. Desperation does weird stuff to me.

"I'm here to see your fiancé, actually," he gestures to my hand and then inside the cafe, "I had matters of a very important nature to discuss with him."

It would be inappropriate for me to ask him about that, so I merely bow my head and step to the side so he can pass. When he moves to walk past me, he stops just as our shoulders brush against one another. He then takes one step backwards so his face is inches from mine.

"You understand, of course," I can smell the onion on his breath as he whispers. "I can't let someone like you slip through my fingers."

My breath catches in my throat and my face drops ever so slightly. If anyone sees, they do me the honour of looking away.

"It is an honour to be a part of the family," I repeat his language back at him. "Alexei and I appreciate everything you have done for us."

"I'm glad to hear that," he sneers. I shrink back at the malice in his voice as he continues, "Because I've invested too much in you two. I'd hate to lose it all."

"I can assure you that you won't," I try to step inside the cafe but am met by his hand gripping my upper arm.

"See that you do."

A chill runs down my spine as I rip my arm from his grasp. "I'll thank you to keep your hands off me, sir!" I declare loud enough for onlookers to stop and stare. I'm going to need witnesses.

"Watch yourself," he hissed as he stepped aside.

"Small misunderstanding," he spoke to the gathering crowd, and they immediately dispersed, not stopping to ask me what I thought.

I take the opportunity to slip inside the cafe and walk as quickly as I am able until I find myself face to face with Alexei. He looks as shaken as I feel.

"Are you all right?" he whispers as he kisses my hand and pulls out my chair.

"Yes," I nod, unable to do anything else.

"I ordered you a tea," he sits down across from me and gestures to the cup. Grateful for something to do with my hands, I pick it up and blow on it to cool it off.

After several minutes of silence, I collect my thoughts enough to speak. "I take it from his reaction that Mr. Giovanti has got wind of our . . . indiscretion?"

Alexei stares at me, his eyes wide, "How did you know?"

"Well, besides the fact that he threatened me," I look around to make sure no one is listening to our conversation. "Ma warned me last night that he likely knew and might choose to do something about it."

His lips form a thin line as he gives one curt nod, "Well, he does. We'd better hope we like my job, because if I ever quit, I have a feeling we're both headed straight for prison."

I stare at my tea as I nod. How could I have let something like this happen?

"And," he takes a deep breath, still staring at the table, "I hope you like me enough to be married to me, because I think that's part of the deal." He speeds up as he says the words. Almost like he's trying to get them out of his mouth as fast as possible so they are no longer his to deal with.

"Mr. Giovanti said as much, yeah," I sip my tea to avoid having to say more.

He is refusing to look at me. "Sorry," is the only word that slips from his mouth as he struggles to keep his face composed.

We've talked about this before. We could just run away to the hills and live off the land. Build a small shelter in the middle of the woods and forget this place exists. But what if we get caught? Is it worth the risk?

"Are you rethinking our engagement?" I ask, wanting to be sure of his intentions before I continue.

"Of course not!" I'm pretty sure he would have screamed if we weren't in public. He settles himself and runs a hand through his hair. "Of course not, Maria. I've wanted to marry you since . . . well since before I was allowed to ask, that's for sure."

I smile to myself, dropping my gaze to my lap to avoid anyone else seeing how excited I am.

"In that case," I raise my eyes to him. "I don't see why we can't get married and just pretend this whole thing didn't happen."

"About that," he trails off, unable to look me in the eyes.


"Mr. Giovanti wants to be there. And he wants us to use his officiant. And he wants it to be this weekend."

That absolute bastard!

"Wants to make sure we do it right, does he?" I am seething, heat rising into my face as my hands ball up into fists involuntarily.

"Please, Maria," he whispers. "I know we have a lot to figure out here, but we do it his way or he takes the information to the police. And he's, well, him. The police will listen to what he has to say. One or both of us will probably end up banished."

"Well, then at least we can legally live in the woods," I smile weakly, trying desperately to make the best of the situation.

"So, what do we do?" he asks me, though convention dictates I should follow his lead.

"I don't know," I take a moment to compose myself. Can I do this? 

 Can I do this? 

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