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How did you both meet? It was long story.

When you were a teenager, still studying in Featherstreet High, you were an unstoppable force. Always hyper, always looking for trouble, never spared a second of your life in your studies.

A destined failure in life.

Maybe it's the sugars from the processed food or your mother's occational dusting of crushed MDMA tablets on your unhealthy dinners made you like that. All you knew was 'fun, fun and more fun.'

You can't even SIT, you must move, dance, jump, kick, whatever, as long as there is physical stimulation.

You were an animal, a bulldog running at full speed. Crashing onto everything, hoping to punch a hole through it.

Some people avoided you, some people are exactly the same as you. Equally balanced.

You are the exact opposite of Lanette.

Lanette was an immovable object, quiet, antisocial and somber. He had a crippling fear of doing anything 'abnormal' or 'wrong'.

He would sleep (or cry) in dark classrooms during lunchbreaks.
Lanette didn't have much friends around him, it's not because he's unattractive. Quite the contrary, you remembered that he was one of the 'prettiest boys' in the school.

Boys thought that he's too feminine, soft and too much of a 'scaredy-cat' for them. Girls thought that he's too masculine, boring and nerdy for them. Teachers thinks he's a bother for asking them a ton of questions.

No one bullied him, but no one was close to him either. People were friendly to Lanette but didn't talk to him that much.

You always thought that a book was superglued to his hands because you never seen him without one.

You knew him and he knew you. Both of you avoided each other like the bubonic plague until...

"What!? Miss (your favourite teacher's name)! What do you mean I need a friend with me to join? I have enough talent to woo everyone!" You slammed your fists on the registration table. Everyone else around you paid no mind, because it's nothing out of the ordinary for you to do something like that.

"Calm down, (y/n). You wouldn't want to be banned from the talent show, would you?" She sternly told you off. You mumbled an apology.

"Where am I gonna get someone  that's willin' to do this crap with me? All my friends are big pussies!" You exclaimed. The teacher gently whacked you on the arm.

"Language!" You muttered another apology again. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, she wished that he had a bottle of tequila with her.

"Why don't you partner up with that nice boy, um... what's his name..." she shuts her eyes tightly to recall. You looked around and saw a certain, long-haired boy, standing shyly in the corner reading the registration form.

"Lanette?" You asked. She nodded.

"Do I really need to work with that weird guy?" Your teacher rolled her eyes.

"Listen, (y/n). It's either you find someone else willing to perform with you or join the audience. It's even stated in the flyer!" She slumped in her chair. You huffed and approached him.

"Hey there, Book man! Wanna be my talent buddy?" Suddenly, his fight or flight mode turned on. He looked up at you with alarmed, blue eyes.

"I... I d-don't know...?" He stammered, minimizing his body size.

"You wanna join the talent show?"

"Y...yes, but—"

"You wanna get cheers from the audience?"

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